I Can't Let You Go (Sneak Peak)

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Jessica's POV

"Mom, I need to see him." I pleaded standing in the doorway of my mothers office. She shook her head, but nodded in agreement, "I agree, I can't stand seeing you sad all the time. It's obvious that you can't live without him and he can't be without you. I'll buy you a plane ticket." I went up to her and gave her a big hug, close to tears, "Thank you so much." I then ran out of the room and texted Marshall.

Got mom to buy me a plane ticket. Do you think you could stop by the airport and get me? If you can't it's alright. See you in a few days.

I laid on my back and held my phone over my face.

From MBM:
What'd you have to do to get that plane ticket, haha. I'll pick you up when your plane lands. Anyways, super excited to finally see my girl again. Don't forget to send me the flight details so I know when to get you. See you soon Little Lion <3

I smiled at his nickname for me. Ever since I wore my curly hair to the studio he's always found enjoyment in calling me 'His' Little Lion.

I love you.

From MBM:
I know baby

I sighed angrily, but realized he just needs time. He already has so much pressure on him and I don't want to add to it. Plus, you can't force some one to say I love you. You have to mean it when you say those three words. We've only kissed once, but that was a mistake. He probably only did that because he felt sorry for me. I was and still am just another charity case to him.

Two Days Later
All that could be heard was the sound of my suitcase rolling along the airports granite flooring. People were walking in every which way; in-front, behind, and alongside me. I found a small area where their wasn't a lot of people and sat down on a green metal bench. I then pulled out my phone.

My plane just landed. I'm ready to be picked up now. BUT PLEASE! Take your time. I don't want to rush you. See you soon :)

Words cannot even describe the anxiety I'm feeling at the moment. Maybe it's just the fact that I'm going to see Marshall again. After a few months of not having him with me I wasn't sure how to handle myself anymore. It just felt like I was lost and I didn't have anyone to talk to when I needed it. My mom wouldn't understand the pain I felt with all the Chemotherapy I went threw. Holly was and still is my only friend but even she doesn't get me at all. Marshall is the only one that understands me and to be honest it's kind of scary.


Message From MBM:
I'm already here you goof. Would you like to meet up somewhere?

Are you sure? I don't want to put you in any type of danger ;)

From MBM:
If the dangers for you than I can bare it a thousand times.

Alright tough guy. I'm sitting on a bench in front of the Starbucks Shop.

From MBM:
How come females are always at Starbucks?

You'll understand once your older Marshall.

From MBM:
Very funny.

I rolled my eyes and smirked. I glanced at my luggage just to make sure everything was intact still then looked at the TV which was hanging on a big wall near me. A few minutes passed and I realized Marshall still hadn't found me yet so I should probably keep a look out for him. For all I know Marshall could have walked past me already and not even seen me sitting here. When I took my finale glance out at the crowds of people, that's when I saw him. He had on a bright red shirt, black sweatshirt, jeans, and his Air Nikes. He noticed me staring and soon made eye contact with me. That was all it took, the two of us ran for each other and enveloped each other in our arms. The smell of his cologne was strong and it made me cuddle tighter into his chest. As my head laid on his chest I could hear his heart thumping loudly, causing me to smile. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." He whispered, sending shivers down my spine. "I missed you too." I mumbled. We stopped hugging and looked at each other. He reached his hand out and tucked away a stray piece of hair that fell out of my loose ponytail. I got on my tippy toes and fixed his baseball cap so it wasn't facing backwards. "There." I smiled. He chuckled, "Why'd you mess up my style?" His voice sounded very childish causing me to laugh, "Cause it looks cute when your hat faces this way." He rolled his eyes as a soft smirk came upon his lips, "Yup, Little Lion. You're right, I do look cute this way."

Authors Note:
Okay, this is I Can't Let You Go. So basically 'Jessica' is a survivor of Cancer. She fought it for a very long time and the doctors didn't think she was going to live much longer. Her mother made a quick call and got Jess to sign up for Make A Wish America. Jessica made one wish which was *Drum roll please* To meet Eminem. They met, stuff happens, blah blah blah. You'll find out soon. Oh wait! The time in Em's career is right after the release of Relapse and is very close to the beginning of the Recovery era.

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