Punch Buggy

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"(Y/N) what you did was completely and utterly childish." Marshall ranted upset that we had to drive back home to get a new change of clothes.

"It technically wasn't my fault, it was the water balloons." You laughed, watching Marshall as he drove down the highway.

"So if I got shot, you'd blame the gun not the criminal?" Marshall commented sarcastically.

"I would blame the gun, because it's the guns fault for being invented." You answered matching the sarcasm in his voice.

"So it's the water balloons fault for being thrown at me and making my clothes get soaked?" He muttered turning the blinker on signaling to the cars behind him he was turning.

"But please, don't do that again, because-." He continued talking, but you blocked him out.

When he was in the middle of turning you saw a blue buggy in front of the two of you.

"Punch Buggy, no punch backs!" You spoke, raising your voice as you punched Marshall lightly on his right arm.

He sat there driving with his mouth agape, starring at the road in shock.

"Now is not the time-." He said sighing in disappointment "To act like a five year old." Marshall finished trying to cover up his smile.

"I will, once you pick your comic books up in my reading room." You offered stubbornly, crossing your arms across your chest.

"Fine." Marshall huffed, turning the radio up so you couldn't annoy him any longer.

You love annoying him, it's like your hobby and fortunately he still loves you no matter what scheme you come up with.

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