Starstruck Lovers

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The heart thumbing base shook the muddy ground making the people in the crowd jump aimlessly up, waving their hands about. The joy and emotional value of each concert was always the most memorable thing for you. Seeing your new found friend run around on stage and doing what he loves is always a fun thing to escalate the fast beating heart in your chest. People didn't know you wanted to be an 'item' with him but you did- and wasn't that all that mattered?

Him and Denaun were currently sitting on the stage talking to the crowd before them, "Got something on your mind, Em?" Denaun questioned smirking as he spoke.

He sat there, his cute little thinking face expressed on his features as he stared at the microphone in his hand, "I know I joke about dating Niki almost every time I do a concert, but, what if wanted to date someone else?" He set the microphone on the stage and raced to you, who was standing on the side of the stage, and practically scooped you up and pulled you into eyesight of at least 100,000 fans.

As soon as you were revealed to the crowd screaming echoed from the large number of people. As you looked out to see the fans you only saw the lucky ones in the front because of the stage lights blocking your view.

Your eyes grew wide as the stage light and camera landed onto the two of you,"Marshall, what the hell are you doing!"

Your (e/c) eyes showed fear but with his blue eyes staring back at yours, you felt at peace. Nothing in the world could control your trembling body as you feared the fans and their opinions about your self image.

Marshall saw your worry and comforted you, "Hey," He whispered turning your head to see him and him only, "Don't worry about them," He smiled in reassurance showing his dimples, "Focus on me."

Your mind ran wild. The only thing that was going though your mind was- what the hell is happening?Marshall was never one to show you any type of affection. The only conversation you had with your boss was the casual 'did you edit the pictures last night' nothing other that was usually exchanged between you and him.

His eyes sparkled as he looked at you. The blue in his eyes becoming brighter and brighter before your very eyes as he looked between your eyes and lips. He began leaning in and you being the frazzled person you are you were still in shock about how the situation was unfolding. He cupped your face then crashed his lips into yours rough yet passionately. You gasped in supersize at the passion the kiss held never experiencing such a heart stopping love before.

The warmness of the spotlight could be felt against your black crew shirt as you kissed him back with equal eagerness and intensity. The sounds of the people around you soon became none as you continued to kiss the rapper making it only you and him in a world fulled with people. After some time you both separated speechless and gasping for air after the long endearment. The muffled sounds of screaming from crazed fans were soon heard as you continued to stare each other down. Butterflies began swarming in your stomach nervously making your heart skip beats as you stood there starstruck.

"Okay man, I see you. Never saw that one coming!" Denaun kept commenting making everyone in the crowed scream even louder.

Nothing was planned. It just played out the way it was supposed to. Nothing in life was ever guaranteed to anybody and Eminem, the famous musician, wanted to make sure he got his feelings across to you in a way that was never done before. He knew he loved you even when he stared into your eyes for the first time, he knew he could look into those eyes for the remainder of his life.

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