Counting To Ten

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"(Y/N) how about this color?" Marshall asked showing you the pink colored wallpaper.

At this moment you and Marshall were discussing what wallpaper design you wanted in the kitchen.

"Do you like this tan color?" You questioned.

Just as you finished your sentence your daughter stumbled into the kitchen looking panicked.

"What's wrong baby?" Marshall asked looking down at your daughter concerned.

"I have to go pee pee." She cried crossing her legs.

Marshall rolled his eyes smiling, "You have to count to ten."

"But daddy." She whined.

"Baby you have to count or your not going to the bathroom." Marshall instructed.

"One, Two, Three, Five-."

"You missed four."

"four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." She counted quickly.

Marshall gave her a thumbs up, "Good job, now go to the potty." He smiled watching as your daughter ran down the hall to the bathroom.

"You're lucky she didn't pee her pants." You joked smiling at your husband.

He rolled his eyes and continued talking, "I like the tan color."

Kind of short and pointless but whatever😂

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