Seven -- That Moment When...

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1. That Moment when their eyes meet and they somehow have a conversation.

-- His eyes clouded with worry as they asked if I was okay. My eyes shyed away and shook their head no. His eyes hesitated before he took a few steps towards me.

What the actual fuck?

2. That moment when she's the only one that could calm him from going on a rampage. Not even the god damned police can stop him from killing people but all she had to do was grab his arm and stare into his dazzling orbs and it was all okay.

As if!

3. That moment when she falls into a coma and the doctors say it's impossible for her to wake up after falling down the stairs but somehow, his 'magical' kiss wakes her up.

*Gasp* Snow White remake

4. That moment when Blake always seems to come to Emily's rescue no matter where he is and at times, even for the stupidest of reasons.

"Blake!! I lost my dog! I think one of your psycho ex-girlfriends took him! I'm scared." Emily whines into the phone.

"Hang on baby, I'm coming!"

*Magically appears from Hawaii*


5. That moment when their hands touch and a 'spark' initiates


6. That moment when she does her makeup 'naturally'.

I decided to go with a natural look today. I grabbed my mascara and stroked it on my eye lashes so they would be long and loustrous, next I did my eye shadow. It looked hot and smoky when I was finished. I settled for a deep red pink blush and bloody red lipstick because thats what Blake likes.

Uh-huh, soooo natural. I can totally see it.

7. That moment when I love you sloves all their problems.

*Blake gets angry and slap kicks Emily to the face*

"What the hell!" Emily shouts clutching her reddened cheek.

"I love you."

*Everything is magically back to normal*

8. That moment when he cheats on her so many times and she always gets back with him no matter what.

"I'm sorry I cheated on you with your twin sister, Emily." He apologizes

"I have had it! First my mom, then my aunt, my long lost cousin, your ex, the lady at the supermarket, the girl at the club, my best friend and now my twin sister!"

"Babe, I love you, I'm sorry."

"Blake, I love you too. I don't think I can ever live without you." I whisper.

*They kiss and ride off on his white stallion into the sunset*

"I can't live without you." --- Bitch I think oxygen is more important.


This brings us to the end of That Moment When. XD

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