Three -- Typical Girl Meets Boy Scenario 1

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I quickly make my way down the hallways, racing as my feet padded heavily against the tiled floors of the hallway. I was late, beyond late and there was no way I was planning on getting detention on my first day back at school. I took a sharp turn, colliding into what somehow felt like a giant wall.

"Ouch." I groaned, rubbing my forehead in absolute pain as I felt slightly dazed from the impact from my spot on the floor where I fell.

"Watch where you're going!" His deep, husky voice barked at me.

I snapped my head upwards, immediately compelled by his spiralling, shiny ocean blue orbs. Before me, stood a Greek God. His face looked as though it was framed by a God. He was absolutely gorgeous and most of all, he was none other than the school's badboy, Blake Parker.

*********Everything Wrong with Scenario 1*********

1. "I took a sharp turn, colliding into what somehow felt like a giant wall."

So, you're trying to tell me that there's a wall smack in the middle of your school hallway. Okay, if that's what's up.

2. "Ouch." I groaned, rubbing my forehead in absolute pain as I felt slightly dazed from the impact from my spot on the floor where I fell."

Was this kid on fucking steroids? How the heck can you collide with him that hard? Or did you lack energy since all you ate was a bite of toast.......

3. "Watch where you're going!" His deep, husky voice barked at me."

He barked at me? So he's a dog now?

4. "his spiralling, shiny ocean blue orbs."

Of course, 'orbs' saying eyes is so overrated.

5. "His face looked as though it was framed by a God."

Well I think it was God who created man after all wasn't it Emily?


This chapter is dedicated to @HalyconLover , thank you for voting on my story. Don't be a silent reader, continue to vote and comment. Thank you again.

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