Five -- Typical Girl Meets Boy Scenario 3

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I walk into starbucks, inhaling the refreshing scent of grinded coffee beans. This was my favourite place to come when I needed to relax, the enviroment calmed me.

I eventually managed to make my way to the front, after twenty minutes of waiting in line. I smiled at the barista, knowing exactly what I wanted to order.

"Can I have a carmel fruppacichino with extra milk and lots of sugar." I smiled.

"That would be five dollars."

I smiled, handing over the money.

She returned, the smile, her face glowing radiantly as she took my order. Within minutes, I collected my order and headed towards the exit.

Once I was outside, the cold London air sent shivers down my spine.

I held my coffee delicately in my hands as I walked down the street. As I took a turn, I accidentally bumped into what felt like a rock hard wall only to have my coffee spilled.

"You have got to be kidding me." The person growled in annoyance.

My head snapped to be completely compelled by the man before me with mossy, forest green orbs. His hair was windswept and curly but hidden by a dark blue hat he wore.

His tall muscular frame towered over mine at a height of about 6'3.

"I-I'm sorry." I apologized stuttering a little.

"Its okay, love. I'm Harry." He said pushing his hand forward.

I took it in a firm grip and gave it a delicate shake.

"What's your name?"

"Emily, Emily Watson." I whispered, still mesmerized by his orbs.

"Let me buy you another coffee." He suggests before dragging me back into the shop.

*********Everything wrong with Girl Meets Boy Scenario 3*************

1. "This was my favorite place to come when I needed to relax, this environment calmed me."

This place is always hectic and busy. So how is it ever calming? I bet you weren't saying that after waiting twenty minutes.

2. "She returned the smile, her face glowing radiantly as she took my order"

Wow, she must really love this job. I mean serving rather impatient snappy business men and women and lame teenagers is your pride and joy.

3. "Once I was outside, the cold London air sent shivers down my spine."

*Hands Emily a coat*

4. "As I took a turn, I bumped into what felt like a rock hard wall"

What is it with you and walls? And again, why is there a wall in the middle of the street. I suddenly think you're not just fashion impaired but visually too. -.-

5. "My head snapped up to be completely compelled by the man before me with mossy, forest green orbs."

Firstly, 'compelled' he the next Damon Salvatore?

Secondly, 'my head snapped up'. Why isn't your neck broken or why aren't you in some serious neck pain. Your head always seems to snap up.

6. "His hair was windswept and curly but hidden by a dark blue hat he wore to hide his identity."

So you got x-ray vision now? How are you able to see all that through his hat? Uh-huh share you're secret please. Now tell me, what color underwear has he got on?

7. "His tall muscular frame towered over mine at a height of 6'3"

Emily, you really got some special skills there. By one look, you know his exact height. Cool.

8. "I-I'm sorry." I stuttered."

*rolls eyes* Why is it that seeing a hot guy = speech problems.

9. "Emily Watson." I whispered mesmerized by his green orbs."

You meet a stranger on the street and immediately tell him your name. Just like that? Tell him your bank number while you're at it. He could be a complete physco. But of course Emily doesn't care.

She lives in lalala land where babies drop out of the sky.

10. "That will be five dollars."


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