Andy's A Single Parent

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6 Months Later

It's almost midnight and I'm sitting at the hospital. A couple of hours ago, Andy drove Kelly to the hospital. Kelly's water broke and now she's going into labor. Everyone is our in the waiting room waiting to hear whether Kelly is having a boy or girl, since she never found out. Andy is with Kelly during this time. No one had said much if anything the entire time.

Andy and Dr. Greg come out to talk to all of us. Andy's face shows no emotion, which tells me something is very wrong. I must be the only one that notices, because everyone else is exited.

Everyone is asking questions like;"Is it a boy or girl?", "How big is it?", and “What does it look like?". No one asks how Kelly is doing. Andy walks away from the crowd of people and sits in a corner. I follow him and park my wheelchair in front of him.

"Something happened. What? Is Kelly alright?" I ask.

"Kelly's dead." Is all Andy says and throws his arms around me. I return the hug and we both start crying. After about five minutes, Andy pulls away from me. "S-She made me promise.... if anything happened to her that I would..... Th-that I would take care of the baby."

"Oh Andy." Is all I can say.

"I know she's gone to a better place now, but why does it have to hurt so much?"

"I don't know. I don't know."

"What am I going to do? I don't know the first thing to raising a baby."

"Neither do I, but we know plenty of people that will help us. You won't have to go through this alone. I will be here for you every step of the way."

"It's a girl."


"Kelly had a girl. Gwenn Emily Applegate."

"Kelly would love it."

"You think so?"

"I know so. Look I know what it's like to lose someone your close to, promise me you won't try to hide the pain deep inside like Mom did when Matt died, you know how well that one worked out."

"What's it like? How do you get over the pain and move on?"

"The pain doesn't go away. You just learn to live with it. Look to God for your strength when you feel you have none left. Don't do what I did and look to the world. Look to God."

"Thanks for being my sister Meli. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Probably be a loser all your life. Can we go see her?"


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