The Funeral

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Today was the day of Matt's funeral. I found out Matt had left enough money in an account to pay for his funeral, so I wouldn't have to find a way to pay for it myself. I, and Flufster, had been staying with the Jackson's for the past few nights, since they didn't want me to go back to an empty house. I hadn't seen Mom since the night Matt died, but I figured she was back to her old ways, clubbing and getting drunk all the time. I hadn't gone to school either since that night.

Mrs. Jackson helped me get ready for the funeral today. I wore a simple black dress and no makeup, just in case I started to cry. Mrs. Jackson helped me comb through my ratted-up hair while we talked.

"Are you going to go back home soon?" Mrs. Jackson asked, which shocked me. I wasn't expecting that question. Of course I've thought about it, it's not like I could stay with the Jackson's forever. Plus I didn't know what my mom would do without me.

"I was thinking after the will is read, I'll go back home." The reading of the will was only three days from then, I'm still shocked to this day about what it said.

"You're always welcome to stay longer if you want to." She sounded like she wanted me to stay, then again it was only her and her husband living here. Their kids had all grown up, married, and moved away. I think they like having someone around that needs their help again.

"Thanks Mrs. Jackson."

"You're always so formal. Didn't I tell you to just call me Grandma Barb?" She said with a playful smirk on her face.

"Thanks Grandma Barb, but I think I better go home soon. My mom needs someone to take care of her, and since Matt's not here to do it-"

"You think it's your responsibility." She said, cutting me off.

"She can't take care of herself, so someone has to do it."

"She's a grown woman, she should be able to take care of herself. You're only 16, she should be taking care of you and not the other way around."

"You're right, but I don't think she'll ever be able to take care of herself. She did before Dad left, but after that, she depended on others to take care of her."

"She just needs to live with the fact that she's a grown woman and can't depend on others to do everything for her."

About the same time Grandma Barb finished with my hair, Grandpa Steve (Mr. Jackson) came to see if we were ready yet. "Ready to go?" He asked.

"Let me grab my jacket, then we can leave." Grandma Barb said.


We were on our way to the church for Matt's funeral, when we drove past my house. I saw mom was home, and I couldn't get rid of the feeling that I should ask her to come with us. "Grandpa Steve, do you think we could go back to my house for a minute. I need to grab something."

A Cry Out To Jesus (The Extended Hobson Family Triliogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now