Dylan's Point Of View 6: Look Who Finally Decided To Wake Up

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When we get to Amelia's room, Jack and Andy are talking to each other, both staring in Amelia's direction.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Jack asks.

"Nothing much. I hope you don't mind that I brought along Miranda and Danny. They heard about Amelia and wanted to come say hi, even if she can't say it back." I say.

"That is sweet of you. So how is your family doing this week?" Jack says.

"Never better." Miranda says with a forced smile on her face. I nudge her to get her to tell Jack what she told me earlier, but she looked to Danny. I understand that Danny doesn't know, so I won't push the issue. During our silent talk, Andy was giving me a weird look and I respond with a look that says 'I'll tell you later.'

"So there hasn't been a change in Am's condition yet?" Kelly asks.

"Not yet, but now would be a good time for it." Andy says.

"What did you guys think about Jeff and Amy?" Jack asks.

"Who?" Danny asks.

"The new youth pastor and his wife that are going to be helping Jack. He was at Nick's today and they didn't make it to Sunday school." Miranda says. "I think they're great. They told us all about themselves. Amy even offered to help with babysitting my siblings. She will be a great blessing to this community, I'm sure of it."

"Jeff and Amy have already been a blessing to me and they just got here yesterday." Jack says. "Scotty and the twins are stopping by her soon. They were going home to grab a few things for Andy before coming here. So what did you think if Sunday school this morning Kelly?"

"It was fun, cozy too. Is it normally that small?"

"Most of the time it's just those of us that were there and Danny here." Miranda says, placing a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Jack and Andy are there too, normally."

"I think I'm going to enjoy this youth group much better than any I attended in New York."

"Why do you say that?"

"My old youth groups back in New York were too cliquish. I was sort of the odd one out most of the time."

"What about your friends that you told me about?" Andy asks.

"My friends all hung out with their boyfriends, leaving me all alone, since my ex wouldn't come to youth group with me."

"Then why did you go out with him in the first place if he wasn't a believer?"

"I thought I could change his mind. As you know, I couldn't."

"That's too bad for him because he's missing out on a great girl."

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