23. Truth always sucks...

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Thanks for all your support... Happy that I'm getting more votes now a days for this story... Hope it continues amd grows more....

No bak bàks... Lets move to shot 23:

Abhi is completely shocked when Arjun said that he and his fuggy has good wave length and it's not a big deal to fall in love with each other... Abhi could not digest the fact when Arjun said that Abhi has already fallen for her and is in love with her...

Abhi is completely angry and walks to his car... Already karthi and pragya are seated in the car, waiting for Abhi to come as they have to move to the company guest house...

Abhi just sit in his seat without reacting much... Abhi closes his eyes to calm down his nerves.... His thoughts were wandering here and there and his heart and mind are not in his control...

Suddenly, Abhi hits the seat and shouts "Damn it..."

"What nonsense is this Abhi!!! Dont you have any sense.... Disgusting Idiot you are..." Abhi came back to his sense when pragya scolds him... He glared at pragya and did not utter a word...

Pragya: why are you doing like this??? You arrogant jerk... Think before you do anything. . Why are you hurting you like this???

Abhi: Stoppppp it pragya... Why you mind what im doing???? Just focus on your work and do it... Never care about me and poke your nose in my personal matters...

Keep that in your mind... Im not a baby... I know how to take care of me....

Pragya: hmmm.... Why I have to care a irritating monkey???? But coming to this baby matter... Im 100% confident and sure and will even shout to the whole world that you are a baby only... Not even know how to take care of you. .

Abhi: You devil..... Stop your nonsense....

Pragya: 😁😁😁😁 The stupid monkey king Abhi is saying that...

Karthi is way too shocked to see both off them ready to attack each other as if a lion and tiger is looking on each other with anger and is roaring on each other...

Karthi is way too shocked to see both off them ready to attack each other as if a lion and tiger is looking on each other with anger and is roaring on each other

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Abhi and pragya keeps on arguing and fighting, but karthi is deep in her thoughts watching the scenario there....

Suddenly, karthi shouts:

Please... Wait... First clear my doubt...

Abhigya: whaatttt???

Karthi: yes... Iv a doubt... Who is lion n who is tiger here??? I cant differentiate that... Im totally confused... Im visualizing this scene as a fight between lion and tiger...

 Im visualizing this scene as a fight between lion and tiger

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Arrogancy Vs Attitude - Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now