44. Mesmerized on her angelic smile...

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Now to shot. 44:

Abhi couldn't resist himself from looking at Pragya's smiling face... Something in Abhi is pulling him towards her and he just want to melt himself in the soulful smile of pragya....

 Something in Abhi is pulling him towards her and he just want to melt himself in the soulful smile of pragya

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Abhi is completely mesmerized on seeing Pragya's angelic face and her smile is doing something in his soul... He couldn't find words, as why he is reacting in such a way and what sort of feeling is this...

Abhi enjoys the food cooked by Pragya and they were talking about some random topics and neverthless they didn't forget to argue on something and their nok jhoks too continues in between....

Suddenly, Abhi jerks up as his mobile starts to buzz, making him to frown hard as if he is bothered about someone is interrupting his romance... Abhi is in a mentality to rip the person into pieces for coming between them...

He is hell angry on the person and takes his mobile from his pocket... Abhi is highly annoyed and irritated to see the call is from Arjun.... He looks at Pragya's smiling face and is in a dilemma whether to attend the call or not....

Abhi without bothering about the consequences cuts the call and put his mobile in silent mode.... He casually flips his mobile in his pocket and starts to pounce on the food, as if he is starving for years...

Abhi starts to cough hard all of a sudden as the food chokes in his throat making his eyes to blur down with tears starts to ooze out uncontrollably

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Abhi starts to cough hard all of a sudden as the food chokes in his throat making his eyes to blur down with tears starts to ooze out uncontrollably.... He starts to suffocate and is coughing vigorously....

Pragya panicks and gets up from her seat.... She rushes towarda abhi and pats abhi's head and soothes on his back to calm him down.... She makes him to drink water....

Abhi's eyes and nose starts to overflow because of the choking of food in his throat.... Pragya without minding anything wipes the tears and his nose with her shawl and continues to pat his back.... But the situation of Abhi is worth a watch...

Arrogancy Vs Attitude - Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now