26. Wrong decisions can spoil happiness....

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No bak baks...

Lets move to shot 26:

Abhi is sitting nervously in the car... Each passing second is like a hell for him... He is praying to god for the well being of sid... He keeps on nagging the driver to drive as fast as he could...

Pragya is getting really angry on seeing abhi's behaviour... Abhi keeps on blabbering something which irritates pragya a lot...

Pragya (roars) : Stop this rubbish abhi... Cant you keep quiet for some time... You are really annoying me...

Abhi (murmurs): Idiot... Stupid devil.... Arrogant, rude attitude queen...

Pragya: Oye head of monkeys..... Stop cursing me... We are in car... We cant fly away just like that.. sid will be alright... Your irritating antics is not needed now... Just keep calm and sleep now.. we will reach on time...

Abhi: youuuu... Devil... Dont order me okay...

Pragya: I will... Shut up... Close your eyes... Sleep...

Abhi has no other choice left than to close his eyes or else he knows very well that his fuggy will irritate him for sure...

Abhi felt a gentle tap on his bag and his hair is massaged gently making him to relax a bit and he slowly drifted to sleep with the magical touch of those beautiful hands...

Pragya felt contented on seeing Abhi sleeping like a baby... She does not like the fact that the strong Abhi, she has seen is feeling very sad n crying like a baby... So no other choice left she irritates and orders him and made him to sleep...

Pragya prays to god for sid's well being and slowly she rewinds the incidents that abhi said about sid n aaliya.... She could not believe that love can be this much torturous for anyone... She thanked god for not making her fall for any love crap like this...


The screen shifts to US...

Arjun is torturing honey from the morning... He is too wild and he is not leaving a single minute... As his flight is in  that evening, he wants to spend all his time only in bed till he felt satiated....

Honey is not able to cope with his wild way of carrying on with her.. Her body is aching, her nerves are too crying but she has no other go than to do this... She inwardly cried for her helplessness and why god is punishing her and what's wrong in her that she is born in a poor family... She cursed her stars for making her born as a beautiful lady and for giving such a figure which makes Arjun to go gaga on her...

The drive to airport is also hard for honey as Arjun is not to be in control in car too... He had his ways even in car too... After finishing the check in process too earlier, arjun dragged honey to the private loungue and had his ways with her...

Honey takes a deep sigh after Arjun left... She prayed to god that Arjun should marry that girl and settle there and not to return ever in her life....


Arjun lands on the airport with a fliratious smile and smirk in his face... He whistles and comes out from flight... Girls drool on him and he blows kisses to them on his way...

Arjun changes his expression to a good boy when he spots his mother n father in far... He buttons up his shirt and opens the rolls fully and worn his pants correctly... He combed his hair too neatly...

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Arrogancy Vs Attitude - Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now