43. You are my stress buster...

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Im really very sorry guys...

Sorry for coming up very late...

No bak baks lets move to shot. 43:

Purab and bulbul finishes off the dinner

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Purab and bulbul finishes off the dinner... As bulbul is demanding to have icecream sitting on the bonnet of the car, purab excuses and walks ahead before aaliya and sid... Purab inwardly curses bulbul's mood swings a lot...

Bulbul: Stop cursing me, my silly husband... It's not my mood swings to demans that... Its my care for aaliya bhabhi and sid bhai... So, I did it purposely to give them privacy to talk what's in their heart...

Purab: Whaatttt..... Really bulbul... Amazing thing you have done dear ... Im impressed... Not bad...

Bulbul: yeah... But iv my selfish reasons too hidden in that... Only if sid bhai and aaliya bhabhi is happy, abhi jiju will think of his very own life...

Then only abhi jiju will start to focus and divert his attention on his love life...I want abhi jiju to live happily and bless with a best ever life... He did a lot to all of us... He deserves happiness...

Purab: Hey wait wait... You are confusing me bulbul... You always call abhi as bhai na... Now what this new thing, jiju... What are you upto bulbul???

Bulbul: Nothing much... Haan... Coming to your question... The day when I met you all in the college itself, Iv decided that he is my abhi jiju only and Im damn sure my pragya di and abhi jiju will end up together for sure...

Purab: Abhi and pragya...😨😨😨😨 Really... 😱😱😱😱😱 .... Bulbul don't forget how they fight always.... You are trying to tie a Knot between two angry fighter cocks... It won't work out sweet heart...

Bulbul: I agree they fight always... But have you ever noticed their eyes and faces at that time... It will tell you a different feeling and a story hidden behind their silly fights...

I have clearly seen the love overflowing between them... Just one year purab... I swear on our baby, if they didn't get married,
I will change my name for sure...

(Purab didn't say anything but is thinking something deeply)

Hey stupid puru... Without saying anything what are you thinking deeply... Answer me man...

Purab: shhhh... Dont disturb me darling... Im confused and searching for a new name... Just tell me what is nice... Bulby, bubby, bubli, bull bully, bulzi... Choose one nice name darling...

Purab screams in pain as bulbul starts to hit him hardly... He tries to escape from her but she keeps on beating him... Purab smirks and suddenly makes bulbul to lose his senses with his own ways....


The screen shifts to sid and aaliya... Sid struggles to get up and ignores aaliya's help too... He asks aaliya to come with him as they have to move to home...

Arrogancy Vs Attitude - Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now