47. I've made a biggest decision to save pragya's dignity...

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You are the reason for my happiness .. you made me to laugh a little harder, cry a little lesser and smile a lot more with your crazy behaviour....

Even though we are masked and hidden in the name of enemies and rivals, I like you a lot as you always join me in all my wierd acts and impress me in many ways...

My life will become too boring, if you are not with me to put up a fight always...

My life becomes very special and unique when you show your attitude to me and Im ready all my life to bear your attitude, because you are mine....

My life becomes very special and unique when you show your attitude to me and Im ready all my life to bear your attitude, because you are mine

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Abhi brings pragya inside his house with a happy smile in his face as if he is bringing his newly married bride inside his house... The same glow and happiness which a groom has when he brings his bride is unknowingly reflected in abhi's face....

Pragya is highly annoyed and irritated as abhi has brought him to his house... His teasings on her irks her to the core and the arrogant, attitude queen is not in mood to slap or bite abhi at the time as she is really exhausted with the unforeseen happenings of that day...

She rolls her eyes, here and there to find something which will stop his non stop rants and highly boring chuck chucks... Pragya's face brightens on seeing a heavy rod placed on the corner near the door...

Pragya makes a devilish smirk and picks up the rod with a murderous glare in her eyes... Abhi gasps in shock and jumps up in his place and runs in a jiff to save his beautiful life from the devil fuggy's hand... He is not at all in a mood to get beaten by the rod....

Abhi runs faster and faster not minding anything and he failed to notice that Prem Mehra, Sid and aaliya are watching the funny run and chase game played by abhi and Pragya... Pragya too didn't mind their presence as she doesn't want to miss her target for anything...

Both keeps on running the whole house and no one is ready to give up as their egos are way too high than anything... Abhi rushes inside his room and about to lock it but shrieks in horror as pragya peeps inside, out of no where...

Abhi jumps in bed to escape from pragya and pragya too did the same not to give up before beating abhi... The poor bed is shaking and vibrating because of their tom and jerry, chase and run game and all of a sudden both loses their balance and fell down...

Author's pov. : Oh my god... Both fall down in bed... 🙈🙈🙈🙈😊😊😊😊... Ahem ahem... Finally is it happening...

Are we going to see an eyelock or if any unexpected kissing scenes happened or going to happen... If it so, how will these two react... Are you all excited like me... Come lets go and see what has happened...

The heavy thud sound startles the inmates of the house who are sitting in the living room watching the chasing game as silent spectators... Prem mehra, sid with the help of aaliya moves towards abhi's room to see what's going on...

Arrogancy Vs Attitude - Abhigya FF By CrazyMahiz (Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum