Same Mistakes

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We were able to bring Darci home about a week of me being in the horrible white walled hospital room. I must admit it wasn't as bad as I thought, the only thing I had to get used to was being a light sleeper. Before I did, Harry always got up because he's a light sleeper from being on tour. Eventually I got used to it and made up for the countless nights of Harry barely getting any sleep. After five, six weeks of having a baby bump I'm not used to not being able to set my plate on my stomach or my phone. It's hard having something for a long period of time then getting it taken away from you.

"How is my lovely baby doing?" Harry came up putting a finger to Darci. Her small fingers wrapped around his finger as best they could and she started pulling.

"She's fine, crying every five minutes. You know, I honestly didn't think she would be born with a head full of hair." She finally let go of his finger and he then wrapped his arms around my waiste.

My head leaned on his as I rocked Darci up and down to try to keep her calm. Possibly even go to sleep,... if I'm lucky. Although it would be nice to actually have some time with Harry alone with no crying. We haven't really had time to ourselves since Darci was born. All of our attention has gone to her, not that I'm complaining. Having Darci is the best thing in my life but if Harry and I can't communicate then something might go wrong. We have to be able to talk to eachother about this incase one of us needs an arrangement of some sort. Of course we also need some other time alone, with no distractions, and privacy. Im planning on having more than one kid you know.

"Hey, um I was thinking. maybe we could go running or do some squats or push-ups..." I trailed off waiting for his answer.

"Uh yeah! how about now?" As soon as I was about to answer I remembered one crucial fact.

"Babysitter?" That is our new problem now, we didn't want to ask Anne or any of the girls but we also don't want some random stranger watching her.

This is probably the hardest part of being a new mother- to me that is. I'll be dead before some stranger comes into our house, watch our daughter, and not having a clue who this person really is. We finally decided to call Gemma and she happily accepted. Yes that solved that problem but so many more things were going on. Everything has been so stressful lately and honestly it's quite over whelming. We've been arguing over the smallest things: changing diapers, feeding, clothes, bed time, waking up blah blah blah. Nothing has been able to break us up but it's really hard to convince myself he won't leave.

Harrys POV

Life is good: I have a wife and my very own baby girl. This is what everything is all about, growing old and having a family. Thankfully I have a very big family now.

Everything has slowed down- relationship wise and we're all happy. I'm 28 Liam, Niall, and Zayn are all 29 whilst Louis is 30. My babe is 24 and my beautiful baby girl is 1 1/2 years old. At least we don't have to fight about getting up in the middle of the night. Liam and Danielle got married, it was closed off: only them, the priest, and their parents. Sadly dani is infertile so they adopted two 2 year old twins. Zayn and Perries' little one is now 2 but she's pregnant again. I have a strong feeling its not going to be the last one either. Louis and Eleanor are expecting triplets! How can her small little body carry three living babies? Carrie had another baby, Kira, she's exactly 9 months younger than Darci. Little Liam is almost three and has Nialls accent. Nina wants Darci to have my accent as well. I on the other hand want her to have Nina's everything.

Boys would go crazy and I'll be sitting there waiting to kill whoever hurts her. Of course we're going to at least have a couple more little ones. Wouldn't mind having four more but they're going to be coming out of Nina not me. Maybe she's pregnant right now.. We've all sat down with the people we love, it's for the best isn't it. It's kind of scary to think about what's going to happen in a few years down the road though. One Direction isn't together anymore so it's different not having to do stuff anymore. The boys and I still get together all the time to catch up. Our relationship hasn't changed because of the split, nothing has. Nina and I are happy, she's still doing small gigs nothing as big as she was but at least she doesn't go away for long period of time.

"Hey Harry?" Nina asked as we got back in from running.

"Yeah babe?"

"Will you go to the store and get some groceries?" she looked up at me and smiled. Oh her beautiful smile.


The trip to the store was longer than I expected so I assume that Nina is probably sleeping by now. as i sit alone in the car I listen to unheard songs that the boys and I sung or nina and I sung together. No matter what happens i'll never forget when we had to stay up for hours to record or not get any sleep at all. Pulling into the driveway I was surprised to see the lights on. Usually she would be sleeping this late.

As I closed the trunk to the car I heard a familiar beat. I haven't heard Nina listening to our albums in what seems like forever but oddly enough 'Another world' was blaring through the house. She couldn't have heard me when I shut the door and made my way to the living room. She held Darci's hands as they did random "dance" moves across the big room. I love how it's like she's not even married to me, she still fangirls over us half the time. They both looked absolutely ridiculous as they danced to tracks of what used to be One Direction. Darci kept falling over, getting up, and then falling back down again. The falling never phased her though, she just got up and acted like nothing happened.

She was wearing a ballerina dress that Nina insisted she get because all little girls just adore ballerinas. This is the first time I've actually seen her in it. Nina was wearing my clothes. A black t-shirt covered her body whilst a pair of my plaid boxers covered the rest of her torso. She looked absolutely stunning standing their in my American apparel underwear. A song came on- I can't remember but she got really excited and was everywhere. Darci finally turned to me and came running with a very big, goofy smile on her face. I bent down to grab her, picking her up whilst she laughed. When Nina realised i was standing in the doorway holding darci she stumbled over to the TV to turn the music off.

"I didn't hear you come in." her face was bloodshot red as she shyly walked over to join me. Her hair was in a sloppy bun after the dancing she did. Various strands of her brown hair fell onto her shoulders each step she took towards me. There was no makeup on her face to hide her eyes or her beautiful complexion. I love seeing her so carefree.

Nina's POV

Seeing Harry standing in the doorway watching me dancing foolishly was very embarrassing. How long was he standing there anyways...

"Nice dance moves" His smile was priceless as my dancing replayed in his mind. Darci wiggle out of his grasp and ran upstairs.

"Thanks, I learn from the best." he grabbed my waste pulling me closer to him and smirked.

"I'm not that bad." He's not as good as usher that's for sure. "I can't imagine life without you." This was random. His eyes were kind as he looked at me and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

"Yes you can! hey, you might still be dating.. uh, Kendall? yeah oh two might even be married." His expression immediately fell.

"No, I'd find you somehow."

Harry's POV

She's wrong though, I wouldn't be with anyone else. Somehow I would find her, I don't know how, but I would. For the past 9 years she has been the only constant in my life. She's the most wonderful, down-to-earth girl I've ever met and I've obviously met alot. I don't care what happens as long as she is here, it doesn't matter unless she's here, with me. Where would I be if she didnt win that contest? I don't care because I'm here with her in my arms right now. When I die? I want her touch, her voice, her eyes, her lips, her smile, I want her to be the last thing I remember. All the times we ever talked or laughed or touched, I want those precious moments stuck on replay as my still body lays in a box. Every moment I have with my kids seeing them laugh with joy or cry with hurt I want to remember. I want to see Nina's smile whilst holding Darci engraved into my eyelids so when I close my eyes I'm still able to see them. Through sickness and health I will always be here for my family no matter what the situation.

Nina's POV

All he was doing was staring at me, so I'm sure he was stuck in thought. Its hard to picture my life without him because I've always imagined this since I was 13 years old. Now it's a reality and not some fantasy. Unexpectingly he pulled me close and I leaned my head on his chest. I hadn't realised we were slowly swaying back and forth to no music until he twirled me around.

"You know I love you..." I looked up at him in surprise of his sudden words. "but you have to wake up, wake up nina! wake up!"

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