Half a Heart.

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I fell asleep looking at my ring with Harry's arms holding me tight. We could stay like this forever just like this, nothing else, no one else, just him, just us. It was constant working for release party, I was just scared of what people would think.

"What if I mess up?"

"You know everything about us more than our own manager, believe me you won't." Louis said in disbelief. It really is sad if a fan knows more about a band then the bands mangers.  He kept trying to encourage me until I heard a familiar voice.


"Yes, I'm here, don't get all carried away!" She emphasized her name.

"Let me guess, your here with Niall?"

"Yeah." I couldn't believe it, but I let her go so she could be with the sloth.

The plot for "Happily" was Zayn and Perrie getting married. As soon as I seen all the fans my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. Harry seen my worry and kept eye contact the whole time I was singing. the boys and Perrie stared in awe since I rehearsed with Harry only. He was the only one who knew what my voice sounded like. At the end Harry grabbed me and kissed me until the curtains closed. When he finally let me breath I smile and hugged him tightly.

that was the last time i seen him before school started back up again. I miss him. School couldn't go fast enough, it felt like a year since seeing him. But I'm 18! Now it will be legal to, explore. I even graduated so no more school to get in the way.

"Guess what!"

"What babe?" my explanation was eager. My words spilled out if my mouth I was surprised he understood what I was saying.

"Well that's good" he sounded tired, stuffy, like he'd been crying or something. That's not him.

"What's wrong?"

"Management is having us do some extra shows and you can't come."

"I have all summer." it was silent. "but... there's something bigger."

"We won't be free until late October." my gut clenched. That's going to be five more months away from him.

"We will make it work." my reassuring tone wasn't to reassuring.

"I miss you." He whispered into the line. I started crying right when our lines disconnected. His words will replay through those five months.

I wasnt the only one going through a hard time. Both carrie and I stayed together more than usual. It was so hard, but they called us every time they could.

"I want Niall." this was the first time I'd every seen carrie cry out of legit hurt. I held her, trying to be the strong one.

"It's going to be ok, we'll get through this." At night I would dream if him, holding me in his arms, his lips touching mine. When our hands intertwined in each others, my eyes getting lost in his. Even though I talk to him and listen to their music, it just makes it hurt even worse.

So far three months have gone past and the last two seemed to never come.

"Hello? is this Nina Martin?"


"Hi this is Ellen Degeneres and I was wondering if you would stop by the studio tomorrow?" I hesitated.

"Yeah ok, but how am I supposed to get there?"

"A cab is waiting outside your house and will drop you off t the airport. from there a limo will be waiting to take you to the hotel then tomorrow before the show a cab will pick you up."

"I'll see you then I guess." If I wasn't so depressed I would've flipped out, but now I could care less.

Why couldn't anyone give me time to pack? instead I have to hurry, pick an outfit out and grab shoes. With my luck they weren't even matching shoes. On the plane I swore I seen him in the window but when I turned around, it was yet another strange face. It wasn't hard finding my driver, he was holding up a bright coloured sign that had my name on it. Youd think driving in a limo is fun but Being in the back alone is an awful experience. Its humongous and your as good as a little piece of dust. The drive was long and all I seem we're cars and buildings. No spectacular scenery just dullness.

Arriving at the hotel was a relief because my butt and legs were starting to eat really numb. Of course my suit was big, why couldn't I just sleep in the lobby? at least there I wouldn't be alone. I was kind of relieved because luckily I didn't have one flat and one heel, they were both flats. My outfit I picked out was a pair of nude jeans, a flower themed tank top, one blue and green sneaker and one black and red sneaker. I'd wear my hair in a fishtail braid with just eyeliner, no eyeshadow or anything too crazy. Its not like I was trying to impress anybody. Since I had everything planned out I headed for bed. My boys were playing on low so I could try to get some sleep. Sleeping in a comfortable soft luxurious bed wasn't as great as it seems. The pillow was my cuddle buddy that night.

I wanna stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun...

It was eleven o'clock when I woke up which gave me an hour to shower. I washed everything twice as well as shaving twice, making sure I smelled and felt good. Since i was in a hotel I blasted one direction in the shower. No one said I couldn't, all they said was no partying, like I was going to throw a party. Goosebumps crawled up my legs getting out of the shower an I shivered from the blast of cold air. My hair probably took the longest out of everything I had to do. My nerves were kicking in- as I sat there waiting for the cab. When the phone wrung I was expecting them to tell me the cab was here but that's not the news I got.

"The cab is stuck in traffic so we called another one." That's just fine and dandy. I grabbed everything I was taking with me downstairs. Some girls seen me and started screaming so I ran and got into the elevator. The doors closed right before they got to it. Deciding it would be better I put my shades on then calmly walked over to the counter.

"Has the cab arrived yet?" ask angrily. The lady looked up at me in disgust.

"Ah Ms. Martin!" A tall dark tanned man shouted my name and her expression immediately changed.

"Hi has the cab arrived?" I tried sounding official but failed terribly. His hand stuck out pointing towards the two doors and believe it or not the cab was waiting.

"oh and can you please inform your employees to be a little more frinedly" I say walking out of the hotel.


Hi guysXD This is a kind of big a climax in Narra's (nina and harry's ship name) relationship!

Oh and if you don't like that ship name comment what you think their ship name should be and I'll definitely take it into consideration:)

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