Last First Kiss

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For Harry's birthday I decided to get him something he loves. He's been asking for one every since we got the house so it's about time I get it for him.

"What's in the box?" he looked suspicious, which meant he didn't know what it was right away.

"Surprise!" I lifted the lid and the small, fragile smokey coloured kitten perched up on the edge of the box.

"Oh my god it's a pussy!"

"I got you something else too." before he knew it I pulled out the puppy that was asleep in the bottom of the cardboard box. She had one green eye and one hazel.

"She has our eyes!" He cheered and I grinned as I watched him pick them both up, making them talk to one another.

"So? what are you going to name them?"

"That's up to you." No it wasn't! they were his presents not mine. Instead of debating it with him i chose a couple.

"What are we doing today hazz?"

"Well, all though its valentines day, my mum wants you to go over to her house until eight."

"Aren't you coming?"

"Nah, she doesn't want me to." His mom and I, alone? great! we can catch up.

Harry gave me all the keys so I knew he wouldn't be leaving, I don't know why though.... I trust him. as I walked out the door he grabbed me by the waste and turned me around. There was such happiness in his eyes, it seemed unfamiliar. Honestly he looked like he was going to cry but if it wasn't for his big foolish smile and the tone in his voice, I would've been worried.

"I love you! See you tonight!" He pecked my lips and I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I shut the door behind me.

what was he planning? The drive was ok, I blared my boys(5SOS) and decided to take the long way. I've only been alone with Anne for ten minutes so to be alone with her for seven hours is quiet nerve wrecking.

"Nina! I thought you weren't going to come." she looked relieved seeing me pull up and walking up the driveway, to the door.

"I- I took a detour." We mainly talked about me, but after a while I made her talk. She was like a mother to me, she's definitely a better mom than mine ever was. How could one person that you've only really got to know be able to bring the vulnerable, hidden, broken person out in such short time period? We talked about so many things; from childhood, school, bullies, family loses to the most deepest feared secrets. The kind of secrets that you absolutely terrified of letting free. The ones where you don't even tell your best, best friend. I told her things I haven't even told Harry yet. She understood me more than I understood myself.

"So how are you and Harry"

"Good- great! he likes me for me you know? he's always making me feel good."

"That's wonderful. he's never felt this way about anyone. You make him happy."

"He makes me happy too." I knew my faced flushed. Butterflies took over my stomach as well.

"You- I have to go. So, i'll see you tomorrow." she stuuttered all of a sudden. Two minutes ago she was calm and happy and now shes in a rush which made me confused. Out if no where she gets up and starts rushing me out the door.

"You will?"

"Yeah you and Harry are coming over for dinner and I have a meeting in 15 minutes so you- us- we have to go!" We kind of left at the same time, the ride home went by quicker than the ride there. It was dark when I went inside and the air had a delicious scent to it. Alfredo.

"Harry?" there he goes with that damn bandana again.

"So, how was it at my mums?"

"We talked." I could tell he was guiding me to the dining room.

"Surprise!" he left me breathless, I could hardly recognise the dining room. It looked like something at one of those couple retreat places. There were at least twenty, thirty candles set up around the- what seemed like extremely table that sat in the middle of the room. The table looked like a two person table you'd see in France.

"What's the occasion?" I was trying not to cry as I turned around looking slightly upward into his beautiful deep green eyes. He smiled and slid past me going to the cabinet and getting two china plates. Once he sat those down he walked around the table, barely missing the edge with his hip and sat me down. Now I was extremely suspicious, the last time he did this was on our first official date.

"Well, since it is valentines day, i thought I could make a romantic dinner."

"It's beautiful Harry." I choked. it was so much more beautiful, words can't even begin to explain. It truly felt like a first date, we laughed, talked, and stared at eachother in awe. After dinner was desert, and to my surprise once again, he made is families recipe ice cream.

"I'm not eating this!"

"Why not?" he looked like I just took his heart out. I thought about what I was going to say, I didn't want to ruin this moment.

"I'm going to scarf it down." we laughed. I reached over and put a dot of ice cream on his nose. He made the niall face so I licked it off. When he looked at me, I thought I had went too far. Suddenly he spoke.

"I love you..." You and Me by the Fray started playing. He didn't give me a chance before getting up, coming over to me, and getting on his knees.

"... And I will love you until the earth dissolves..." At first I thought it was another promise ring, it wasn't. I put my hand to my mouth and started crying. They were the kind of tears that you don't realise are falling until someone points them out.

"'Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to lose

And it's you and me and all of the people

And I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you, I don't care what people say your the only person I want to be with. Through whatever happens I swear I will never leave you. Nothing can compare to the Beauty and intelligence that you have. I don't plan on finding out if there is somebody 'better' for me because that girl is sitting right I front of me..." by now I was crying. He pulled out a small maroon box out if his pocket and opened it revealing a beautiful lime green diamond. My eyes went from his to the ring back to his.

"Will you, LaNina Maree Martin take this ring and make my life complete while being the princ-"

"Yes! yes, yes, yes!" my head shook yes rapidly as I lunged forward falling into him. Our lips met before we stood up, and he put the ring on my finger. I hugged him, but he lifted me up and squeezed. We kissed passionately. "I'll make love to you' by BoyzllMen came on. The bedroom had rose petals making a pathway to the bed. I looked at him in astonishment and smiled.


Oh my gosh isn't that the sweetest proposal ever?!?!? IM EVEN CRYING AND IT'S JUST OH MI GOSH!!!!!! So what did you think of this chappie my wonderful faco's? Wasn't the Narry proposal just amazing??

 I don't know unless you COMMENT! oh and VOTE and SHARE while your at it;)

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