Chapter 22: Call Me Maybe

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A random picture on the side (*cough cough* MACY! it reminds me of him... sorta) and Tanner Patrick's cover of Call Me Maybe! :)

I awoken to the sound of shuffling feet and muffled talking. Slowing sitting up right, I felt a sharp pain in my left side as my blurry vision tried to make out the strange scene. I was lying in a cold white cot, the paper thin blanket slid right off me while I looked around. The room was deathly white and the faint smell of cleaning alcohol was wafting around. A small vase sat adjacent from me on a wooden table while an old tv attached to the ceiling loomed just a few feet away from my head. Pictures of nature at its finest hung all around the room while encouraging posters with stupid sayings were tacked on the door. Yes my friend, you know what I’m talking about, don’t pretend you don’t know. Those ‘inspirational’ posters that have a short quote or saying. Like the one with a cat hanging on a tree with the caption ‘HANG IN THERE!’ or a beautiful monarch butterfly and the words ‘If you love something, SET IT FREE’ printed in bold just above it. Either way, I found them totally depressing and lame.

The door handle suddenly jiggled making my heart race. Where was I exactly? It slowly creaked open revealing a serious lady in baby blue scrubs and a stereoscope. Squinting, I managed to make out the gold name tag pinned to her breast pocket: Dr. Monica Eberhart. 

Right off the bat, I could tell Dr. Eberhart was a classy lady. Her auburn hair was twisted into the tightest, not to mention neatest, topknot I’ve ever seen, and her amazing makeup which by the way, was perfectly done. Her purple eyeshadow was dramatic but not overpowering, while her thin hands were roughly clasping her clipboard. She stood tall and straight, clearing at least 5’10 without heels and red lips were pressed into a long, thin line. Needless to say, I almost peed my pants. And of course, trailing in behind her was mother and father dearest, their eyes shining with moisture. 

“Oh Mac!” my mom sobbed as she inched toward me bed, “I was so worried when I got the call!”

My dad was silent as he filed into the room and stood behind my mom, placing a strong hand on her shoulder.

Before I had the chance to say anything, to reassure them I was okay, Dr. Eberhart interrupted me.

“Mr. and Mrs. Hales, Mckenzie is just recovering from surgery and is entitled to bed rest for the time being. Visiting hours are over now so suggest you check into the closest convenient hotel and stand by until she is issued to leave.”

My mom looked at me with worried eyes as she stroked back the thin wasps of hair on my forehead, “You okay Mac?”

“Never better. Where am I exactly?”

Awkwardly, my dad lumbered over to my side and bent down to kiss me on the forehead, “Westpark Hospital, you used to go here often as a kid when you broke bones from sports. Listen, we got to go. We’ll see you tomorrow Mac.”

So we were back in Cali. I silently nodded, it seemed to weird to see my parents again. How quire. Only yesterday, Kayden and I were running around an abandon warehouse for our lives. Only yesterday, a gun was pointed straight at me. Only yesterday, I was shot and blacked out. Only yesterday...

And as I pondered this over, it hit me in the gut. Kayden! I blacked out as soon as I was shot. 


“You best be going now Mr. and Mrs. Hales,” Dr. Eberhart hastily mumbled as she quickly ushered my parents out of the room. “I assure you Miss Hales will be safe with us.”

As soon as my parents were in the corridor, she swiftly shut the heavy door and pivoted on her heels to study my face.

“I’m assuming you’re worrying about the boy, correct?”

Kidnapping her HeartOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara