Chapter 4: I pelted a cop with pads

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Picture Kayden's 1951 Hudson Hornet (love that car!) on the side

~ McKenzie ~

“T-t-that… was…,” *gasp*

“The m-most...” *wheeze*

“Idiotic!” *cough*

“Thing I’ve ever done in my entire life!”  I choked out at as we sped away in the Hudson Hornet.

“Relax Kenzie, I’ve done much worst,” Kayden smirked.

I scoffed as I gingerly pulled my legs up to my chest and hugged them close to my body. “You’re so lucky he didn’t call for back up or we would’ve been screwed.”

“Nahhh, we’re lucky that he was a cocky amateur who thought he could take us,” Kayden laughed while throwing in a wink.

Disgusted, I turned my head towards the window and closed my eyes, reminiscing over the last hour.


“Hurry up would you?” Kayden grumbled, towering over me as I was kneeling in front of a shelf pondering over which brand of pads seemed the most comfortable.

I mean yeah I did warn him to wait near the cash register but he insisted on coming along in fear of me escaping.

“Hmmm… which one seems the comfiest,” I wondered aloud probably making him more uncomfortable by the second. “Ohhh this one looks nice,” I chirped, grabbing the bright green pack. “Ooooh look! It’s extra absorbent too!” I squealed satisfied when he flinched. It was evident that he was uncomfortable in this situation but hey, that’s his fault for messing with me earlier in the hotel room.

“Can we go now?!” he whined like a little boy.

“Yeah, yeah, let me grab another pack. And Kayden…”

“Yeah?” He looked down at me and I couldn’t help but notice the layer of sweat accumulating on his forehead.

“Thanks for taking me to Target,” I smiled. “I appreciate it.”

“Yeah sure no problem,” He replied hastily.

Whoa… no witty comeback? He didn’t even say anything perverted that would irk me. I mean, by this point, he probably would have been like “No problem Kenzie baby,” while throwing in a wink for good measure. But “yeah sure no problem”? That was not something Kayden would say… something was definitely wrong.

“You okay there,” I asked softly and noticed that he was sweating even more.

“Y-y-yeah,” he stuttered. “But that cop’s staring at us.”

I swiftly glanced in the direction he was looking in and sure enough; a cop was leaning against a wall, staring at us.

“Shoot,” I muttered as I slowly rose from my crouched position. “What do we do?”

“Me? Why me?!” Kayden whimpered.

What a wimp…  

“Because you’re the kidnapper here!” I snapped.

“Doesn’t mean I always know what I’m doing.” Kayden shot back stiffly.

Well just great, we were totally making a scene in the pretty much empty store. The cop was probably suspicious of us or something and would most likely make his way over soon.

“Listen, he might just be checking me out.” I smirked trying to ease the tension.

“Yeah I wish, look,” Kayden whispered as he nodded his head towards a rack of magazines.

‘KIDNAPPED AGAIN!’ screamed the headlines of a magazine.

“Have you seen me?” was glossed in white on the bottom of a huge picture of Keith and I smiling like idiots at my 16th birthday party.

“Oh god,” I whispered. The cop was making his way over here! Holy cow!!!!

“Stay calm,” Kayden commanded as the cop came to a halt in front of us.

“You kids are here pretty late huh?” he asked while checking his watch. 10:23PM.

Kayden nodded stiffly. “Yep just getting… stuff… for my girl.”

The cop glanced over at me and I gasp. He was pretty hot for a cop, probably twenty something but not as hot as Kayden.

Eewwww what am I saying?!

“You look familiar miss,” He smiled cocking his head. “Have we met?” Oh good, the idiot hadn’t recognized me yet!

“No you haven’t,” Kayden injected rudely. Whoa, was that jealousy I detected?

“No, I’m… Michelle?!” I tried to state but it seemed to come out more like a question. “And that’s my boyfriend, errr, Kane.”

The cop nodded and continued to study me. “You know Michelle, you look awfully familiar. You sure we haven’t met somewhere?”

“Nope, never seen you in my life!” I squeaked praying the interrogation would be over soon. I had to change my pad ASAP!

“Well,” he grinned. “If you never need any company, hit me up,” he smirked handing me a card. “The name’s Darren.”

Before I could thank him and leave the god forsaken place, Kayden grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. “Hands off my girl man,” he spat.

I was taken aback. He was taking the whole fake boyfriend role wayyy to seriously.

“Chill,” Darren laughed putting his hands up in mock surrender. “I was just playing around.”

“Well ‘play around’ with someone else’s girl,” Kayden snarled. “We’re leaving! Come on Kenzie.” And with that he dragged me towards a register.  

“Wait, Kenzie? I thought your name’s Michelle?” Darren asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

“Ummm… well… you see…” I stammered trying to come up with a good excuse.

“Wait, I know you! You’re that missing heiress from California!” he exclaimed snapping his fingers together.

I bit my lip and took a deep breath, there was only one thing to do. “RUNNN!” I screamed grabbing Kayden’s hand and pulling him towards the exit.

“Hey FREEZE!” I heard Darren yell behind us as we dashed into the dark parking lot.

“Shit, where’s our car?” I cried frantically as we looked around.

“Hey you kids! FREEZE!” We heard a voice huff closely behind us.

“Quick gimme your pads,” Kayden yelled. I happily obliged.

Within seconds, he tore open the package and began chucking pads over his shoulder as we frantically scrambled around the dark parking lot trying to find the car. I knew Darren got hit a few times since there was a grunt every once in a while. LOSER…

When we finally found our car, Kayden unlocked it and we both hopped in completely breathless.

Damn what a workout!

As soon as my seatbelt made a click, Kayden slammed the gas pedal and sped out of the parking lot leaving a dumbfounded Darren standing there.

“Holy crap,” I gasp, clutching my rapidly beating chest as I tried to calm myself down. “We just ran away from a cop, pelted him with pads, and stole a whole pack of it! That’s… that’s… ILLEGAL!”

“Oh here,” Kayden grinned throwing a Target bag on my lap. “I got this for you too.”

I opened it to find a picture of Keith and I smiling back. Holy crap, he stole a magazine too?

Correction McKenzie, you just ran away from a cop, pelted him with pads, stole a whole pack of it, AND a magazine! You’re a criminal!

“Hey can you pull over for a sec?” I whispered. “I need to change my pad.”

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