Chapter 13: "I never play the victim; I'd rather be a stalker."

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Picture of Kayden (hot hot hot hot! <3) & Katy Perry’s ‘Hot & Cold’ on the side!

~ McKenzie ~

I stared intently at the magazine’s cover in disbelief. Keith vowed to find me? Over the public media? Was he insane?!

Biting my lip, I very inconspicuously turned my body away from Kayden, towards the window, obscuring the magazine from his view.

Peeking from the corner of my eye, I decided it was safe to look at it since Kayden was completely distracted, head banging along to All Time Low while belting the lyrics with raging emotions… weirdo.

‘I swear to god I’ll get her back’ Keith stated in the interview between him and Linda James, the reporter of ‘What’s Up,” the MOST popular magazine in California.


LJ: So Keith, tell us about your relationship with McKenzie.

KB: It’s amazing really, I feel like I’m dreaming. Bull, I felt like I’m living a nightmare… we’re not even together…

LJ: Ms. Hales has quite an active kidnapping past. Tell us why you chose this time to go after her instead of waiting for her to come back after the ransom like before.

KB: *shrugs* I just knew this time was different. BS! It’s because my kidnapper’s OUR age you over reactive, jealous douche!

LJ: Do you have anything to say to McKenzie and her kidnapper?

KB: *chuckles lightly* Yeah, yeah I do actually. Mac, hang in there. And the b****** that took her, you better watch your ass cause you’re DEAD!


I was truly, utterly gaping after I read the statement. He wanted Kayden DEAD?! HOLY COWWWW!

I choked down the scream building in my throat and jumped a mile high when a felt something warm lightly skim my hand.

“You okay?”

I turned to find a staring Kayden who looked seriously concerned. “Kenzie, you okay?”

I nodded and gave him a small smile. Should I tell him about Keith? “uhh yeah, totally,” I laughed breezily, trying hard to play off my nervousness.

Kayden raised his brows in amusement and smiled, “Welllll… if you’re so sure then… Let’s go.”

I instantly frowned as my curiosity got the best of me. “Go? Go where?”

“Ahhh but you see; that’s for me to know, and for you to find out.”

I rolled my eyes and playfully punched his shoulder. “Tell me!”

He smirked and I instantly began to feel better. Ahhh now there was the conceited boy I know and love…

“Just get out of the car,” he huffed impatiently and jumped out of the hornet, loudly slamming the door behind him.

Ehhh, over dramatic much? I stumbled out of the car and eyed the scene. We seem to be in the woods or maybe a park with lots and lots of trees or something…? I frowned and ran after him, eyeing the black Jansport backpack slung on his shoulders. What was in there? Whoa, nosy much Mac?!

I continued to walk behind him in silence, mirroring every single one of his footsteps, stepping in every foot print he made, (creepy I know…) as we trekked through the lush, green brush of the mysterious place we were going.

Ten minutes into our silent, little “hike”, I noticed how much thicker the brush was getting around us and that it was harder to breath… higher elevation.  Damn, shouldn’t have worn my converses huh?

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