Chapter 19: Speak Now

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Picture of McKenzie on the side & Taylor Swift’s ‘Speak Now’. 

Isn’t it strange how life works? Like how saying the right thing at the right moment is totally crucial, crucial to the point that it can destroy or build a life.

Its basically a chain reaction you know. Like say you’re late for work one day; you could get fired, lose your job, and end up with no income to support your family. Ok bad example, a more relatable topic you may ask? Over sleeping and being late to class thus missing an exam that is 80% of your grade; now that seriously sucks.

Better yet, lets use a classic example. That one crucial moment in time where the preacher says ‘Speak now or forever hold your peace’ before the vows of a wedding. A time in life where it’s your last chance to protest, to make every single person in the rooms heart race, a moment where you could change a life.

But frankly, getting the perfect timing in life is rare.

And as I pondered that in my head, I began to forget about the beautiful boy whose arms I was in.

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“Wow,” I muttered pulling away from Kayden, my arms still wrapped around his neck as the icy wind bit my cheeks in the cold of the night. The light drizzle of the rain danced off my hair as the storm began to die down and the sun shyly peeked from the grey clouds. Wowy wow wow!

We just kissed, not a simple peck on the cheek or a light brush on the lips, no a real kiss! Biting my lip, I peered up from under my lashes and met his smoldering gaze.

“So… I guess this means…”

 “We’re more than friends?” he finished, his tone lightly coated with amusement. You think?

“Err yeah I suppose we are.” Real nice Mac. Smooth thing to say, very smooth.

“I knew you were head over heels for me since the moment we met.”


Seriously, how awkward can this conversation get?!

“Doesn’t matter,” he grinned, making his arm swoop in one big motion and capturing my hand in his grasp, “I like you, you like me, simple as that. Lets go make it official!”

“Like getting eloped in Vegas official?” Wow that was a stupid thing to say…

“Not what I had in mind,” he chuckled as he towed me down the sidewalk of the park. “I was thinking something more on the lines of getting out of the god forsaken rain and hanging out, just the two of us.”

“Haven’t we been doing that before?” I pointed out. I mean seriously, I spent that last few weeks going across the country with him, it’s always been just the two of us.

“True… we can just hang out...”

“It’s a deal!”

Fast forward twenty minutes and Kayden and I are in the back of an empty café with steaming mugs of hot chocolate planted in front of us.

My cold hand was eloped in his as I leaned my head onto his shoulder, totally lost in my own world. My world. What a funny thing to say. My world. With just Kayden and I. The perfect world.

We just sat there in silence while our simmering beverages started to cool and he played with my hair, no need for words. We were both perfectly comfortable in silence as weird as it may seem. Maybe it’s because we both knew what the other was going through. Being lost, feeling alone, hopelessness. That’s what Kayden felt right? Yeah I’m pretty sure. I know him… I know him right?

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