Chapter 3: Whoa there Mac - Attack!

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Picture of Kayden (Matt Lanter <3) on the side!

Kayden ~ 

Man I cannot believe ‘The Boss’ chose her out of the thousands of heiresses in the country to kidnap. I mean sure she’s hot but the girl was stuck up, weird, and utterly annoying. I can’t believe I survived a five hour drive with her without pulling my ears out; she was a non stop chatter box. But as much as I hate to admit it, our constant bickering turned me on. And please, me, call the ‘The Boss’? Like I dared to do something like that! One slip up, one mistake and I was toast! Fortunately I’m a good liar and she bought my little fib.

What a sucker! Hook, Line, and Sinker!

Yeah, it was frustrating trying to tame the beast but totally worth it when she reluctantly agreed to share the room with me. Not that I’m a perv, hell no!

I may be an amateur at this whole kidnapping process but I was smart enough to do the math and figure out that McKenzie + own room = driving all over Vegas trying to find her.

“Here we are mademoiselle,” I purred opening the door of our bedroom. She looked at me with a disgusted expression and I tried my hardest not to crack up. Pissing her off was a riot!

“Whatever,” she huffed pushing past me while dragging her suitcase along behind her. We made our way into the main room only to find one bed… ONE BED! “There must be some mistake,” I muttered as I made my way to the phone to call the front desk. I thought I specifically asked for two beds!

“Hello, this is the lobby front desk,” a bubbly voice chirped.

“Hey yeah, I think there’s some mistake with my room; I asked for two beds,” I muttered quickly.

“I’m so sorry for the inconvenience ma’am, may I please have your name?” Pfft she didn’t seem sorry at all.

WHOA THERE! Did she just call me ‘MA’AM’?!?! You’ve got to be F-ing kidding me!

Its Kayden,” I snapped trying to make my voice sound more masculine than it already is.

“Last name,” she piped while rapidly typing on a keyboard.

I quickly glanced around for McKenzie, thank god she was in the bathroom; coast was clear! Phew!

I did not want her hearing my last name, which would ruin EVERYTHING the Boss has planned.

“Kayden Brooks ma’am,” I answered rapidly, my eyes still darting around the room hoping McKenzie wouldn’t come out just yet.

“—Is that okay sir?” The faint reply brought me back from by little panic attack.

“Uhhh yeah... sorry could you repeat the question please?” I mumbled.

Did the lady say something...? I didn’t catch it... hmm must’ve been thinking.

“I said that there are no more rooms with double beds available, sir,” she mumbled hastily. “I have other business to attend Mr. Brooks, Good day!” And with that the phone disconnected leaving me speechless.

Oh Crap! Only one bed?! Looks like one of us will have to sleep on the floor and hell no it’s going to be me.

“Errr Kayden… can you drive me somewhere real quick?” a small voice piped up. I turned around to find McKenzie in some black Juicy Couture sweats and a Track & Field Letterman.

Damn so she’s good… wonder what she’d look like in short shorts and a flimsy jersey… whoa snap out of this man!

“Where…” I drawled suspiciously. I mean really, we JUST checked into our room and I was beat! This kidnapping stuff is a lot harder than it seems.

She seemed a little nervous; her face was flushed as she wrung her hands anxiously. “Can you please take me to… like a drug store or something?”

My mouth dropped. She did drugs?! Holy Crap she didn’t look like the type! I cleared my throat, “So… you pop pills or what?”

“Excuse me,” she gasped. Pssh like I don’t know your little druggie secrets.

“You heard me Doll,” I continued. “What, you sniff coke or smo—”

“One, don’t call me Doll and two, I do not do drugs!” she snapped hastily, her face still flushed. “I worded that incorrectly… perhaps a Target, Rite Aid, Wal-Mart….” McKenzie trailed off quietly.

I smirked. I knew she didn’t do drugs! She was way to innocent.

“What do you need there?” I asked genuinely curious.

“Just take me there, please,” she whispered still wringing her hands.

“Okay,” I smirked. “On one condition.”

“What is it,” she asked anxiously. She looked like she was going to break down any second. Her hair was falling out of her messy bun and her cheeks tinted a sexy pink color.

“I get the bed tonight baby,” I grinned loving the superiority I had over her right now.

She gasped and I saw her have a silent debate in her head. “Deal,” she muttered before quickly adding the word “dick” under her breath. I laughed, this was too easy! Whatever she wanted must be seriously important.

“One more thing,” I added catching her attention.

“Yes…” She mumbled warily which added to my pleasure. “Tell me what you need or the deals off.”

She glared at me and violently shook her head. “Well its deal or no deal Macky,” I teased.

“Don’t call me that!” she snapped, her hands balling up into fists at the side of her body.

“Chill Kenzie, just tell me,” I tried once more. “NO!” she lashed out, her body shaking.

“Calm down, jeez woman, I swear…” I laughed, “It looks like your about to attack me!”

“Maybe I am,” she sneered. “Let’s GO!”

“Nahhh,” I drawled. “I want to know what we’re buying first.”

And then I saw a flash of blue from her letterman jacket’s sleeve as she threw a punch at me.

Wow who would’ve thought Miss Goody Two Shoes throws punches?

I quickly side stepped the maniac and ran around the room screaming, “Better tell me now before it’s too late!”

She lunged at me again but his time however, I caught her and pinned her wrists against the bed as I hovered on top. “You know what, I’m gonna call you Mac-Attack cause you’re a violent beast when provoked,” I smirked.

That comment must have really irked her cause she suddenly snarled, “Then don’t provoke me!”

“Tell me what you need and I’ll let you go!”







“WELL IF YOU MUST KNOW…” she scoffed trailing off.

“Yes, yes… go on…” I pressed, intrigued.

She flushed a beet red and muttered, “’…”

Whoa… she needs womanly stuff… damn.

I quickly scrambled off of her while blushing a deep crimson myself. “Sure, sure lets go shall we?” I mumbled still embarrassed. She nodded and headed towards the door with me on her heels.

Damn to much info… well at least I learned something new today. Note to self; McKenzie is a wild, sexy but wild, beast when angry. She just transformed from Little Miss LA to Mac-Attack Hales.

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