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Hi guys! So not much talking but back to the chapter!!!!

Y/n's p.o.v
It's been 2 days since aph left but I've been sensing  a dark presence one i didn't like very much i knew his presence well it was..........gene. He was back not for me he wanted dante I didn't know why but he just wanted to dante not me. I was on high alert if something happened i would go as fast as possible and get nokoette and dimitri i watched the event happen it was scary. No body remembered dante no one but me i guess he can't corrupt a divine warrior's child's memories. I knew i had to get nokoette and dimitri before it was too late i knew gene would try something so sooner I left the better. I went to brightport and found nokoette and dimitri i casted a shirt spell on everyone so that if they saw a very familaf face of somebody like nokoette or dimitri the only thing was the person couldn't be gene,dante, or anyone who had there memories corrupted "leave my father alone!" Nokoette srcearmed while blocking the attack i hid so gene wouldn't sense me after a few hits "LEAVE KAWAII~CHAN'S DAUGHTER ALONE!!!"kawaii~chan screamed then everyone faced her i smiled knowing my plan worked i turned once lohan said "doesn't look like you have much sway here" "yeah hey! Who is this guy" brendan said dante let gene live because dante is just not a reveng type of guy me i would have killed him once everyone was gone especially the kids can't kill people in front of them.

???? p.o.v
"Oh y/n y/n y/n" i snickered when she turned around her face turned extremely pale

Mihahahahahaha cliffhanger i am sooo evil!!!!! P.s who do you think the mystery guy is? Anyway stay kawaii Nya~ kawaii~chan

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