back in pheonix drop (idk??)

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In pheonix drop

Nobody's p.o.v
LV was hanging out by the gates when laurence came out of nowhere "woah! Laurence slow down what's wrong?" LV asked "i need to go now open the gates!" Laurence said "umm...sure alexis open the gates for laurence!" LV shouted "okay!" Alexis said while opening the gates then she closed them when laurence left.

Eevee's p.o.v
I snuck into pheonix drop now to just find aphmau. I ran up to her house somebody snuck up behind me "umm hello?" They said i accidentally drew one of my katanas at him then when i realized it was lord levin i quickly withdrew katana "oh umm... i'm just looking for aphmau i'm a good friend of hers" i said "oh well aphmau isn't here right now" he said "oh alright i guess i'll just hang around until she's back i guess" i said then walked around until i found the plaza "oh it is you eevee~sama when kawaii~chan heard you were here she just had to find you!" A fimilar voice said "kawaii~chan!! How have you been" i said "kawaii~chan is good what about you eevee~sama?" Kawaii~chan asked "oh well i've been running away from tu'la guards because i stole some important documents about the Ro'meave relic so ivy doesn't know which Ro'meave has it or what the relic does!" i said "oh well if eevee~sama would like she could stay with kawaii~chan" she offered "that would be awesome! Thanks kawaii~chan" i said and hugged her

Rollo's p.o.v
"Let's go scare that art girl with a chicken again lello" i said "okay rollo" lello said willingly "she is super fun and easy to scare!" Lello said "yeah" i agreed

Art's p.o.v
It's getting kinda boring around i wish there were some shadow knights to fight or something interesting but then those 2 little boys came with another chicken i went into my demon form and my hair turned white. I got tired of them scaring me with chickens so i uses my fire abilities to burn the chicken alive. After i calmed down i turned into my human form again and i think rollo and lello will leave me alone from now on.

LV's p.o.v
I talked to art earlier and we both agree that pheonix drop can be a little boring next time aphmau is taking me with her. Lucinda wanted me for something so i went to go see what she needed "oh there you are LV i was wondering when you were coming!" Lucinda said while throwing a potion at LV she was a

Muhahahaha cliffhanger sorry LV you'll have to wait until next time stay kawaii nya~ kawaii~chan

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