the past

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Y/n's p.o.v
"Well i'll guess i should tell you malachi" i said
   Explains what happens
I was walking to pikoro because lord hailey had needed my assistance. After i helped lord hailey i came across a old man who looked like he needed help i helped him but he was really a shadow knight named gene he brought me back to shad. I was scared which i rarely ever was! Shad said i was to marry him i knew he wanted me only for aphmau. Obviously i declined but he said i didn't have a choice! That he needed my powers and that with me he could get irene. I planned a escape but it was difficult i ended up marrying shad to protect aphmau,you,levin,everyone because pheonix drop was important to me i didn't want all aphmau's hard work down the drain so i married him. *At this malachi was super angry at shad because he liked me* so anyway shad was draining my powers every day i felt worse and worse until the point where i could barely stand up but i didn't give up i decided to summon barley my spirit animal i knew she could help she distracted the guards while i found the room where they had tanks that store my powers. After 2 years I got back my powers back but when i left the nether pikoro was destroyed i help rebuilt pikoro to help Lucinda and hailey but after that i got lost barley helped as much as she could but again with the kidnapping luckily lord hailey saved me she told me to stay at pikoro for a while because of the shadow knight attacks they were looking for me shad wanted me again so after 3 years of staying in pikoro the shadow knights gave up on trying to find me when i was coming back to pikoro i was attacked by a shadow knight so they are still trying to find me. I don't think shad will give up until he has all my powers and aphmau so i have to protect pheonix drop i have to!
     Finishes explaining what happened
Malachi's p.o.v
I was so angry that happened to y/n i saw y/n look at me with tears in her eyes this is one of the first times I've seen her cry it hurt seeing her sad next time i see shad i'll give him a peice of my mind.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed nya~ kawaii~chan

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