the taunting past

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Y/n's p.o.v
Yesterday was a fun spa day but today aph me nokoette & leona to explore the island. Nokoette wasn't used to this kind of stuff so i mostly stayed by her but stil checked on leona and aphmau too she gas a few difficult  days because of aaron's death but she is doimg so much better now that she has ivy distracting her mind away from aaron. When leona aph & nokoette were talking i saw something "n-n-no t-t-that's impossible he died h-h-how" i said quietly so nobody heard me. I ran behind a tree and started quietly sobbing "y/n huh where are you?" I heard aphmau ask i continued to sob then aphmau gasped and told nokoette~tan and leona to get help aph was about to run off alone but i joined her she was following the aaron she saw them it struck me that's not aaron "aph wait!!!!" I cried out to her but it was to late. The creature took it's true form as an imp and while sobbing aphmau stroke it with her sword and killed it i ran over too her. I hugged her as we quietly cried together then dante came and led us both back to pheonix drop aphmau was sitting on the beach i was gonna go up and talk to her but laurence got there first they starting arguing then garroth stepped in when laurence left where aph & garroth where i jumped in front of him "how dare you speak to aphmau like that she just lost somebody she cared for i get it you like aphmau but stop acting like a spoiled brat and act like a guard!" I snapped at him "i don't have time to deal with you y/n leave me alone" laurence said while trying to leave i pushed him back "no! You will listen to me laurence for aph and everyone in pheonix drop's sake for LV's sake" i said begging him he looked shocked that i knew he liked her, LV "...fine i'll listen .... for now" he said giving in "good now laurence if you lost cadenza you would be upset too right?" I asked him "why are you asking me that of course!" He said "well aaron is important to aph just like cadenza is to you imagine you in this situation laurence and come talk to me again when you can start acting like a real guard" i said while walking off leaving him frozen

Hey guys hope you enjoyed also hope you like the new cover! Nya~ kawaii~chan

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