I'm a monster

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Ezra skidded across the ground and fell. He'd been running for ages. It was nearing night fall.
He was panting heavily and his legs and paws were aching.
He shook his head and his pupils grew slightly.
He looked around.
Where was he?
He whimpered and looked down at his right front paw that was cut slightly.
What had happened?
The last thing he remembered was him and Kanan sitting on the Ghost's ramp.
His ears pricked up when he heard a rumbling sound.
'Kanan' he thought.
The Jedi and Sabine pulled up.
"Ezra!" Sabine cried jumping off her bike.
Kanan quickly got off too and held the Mandalorin back.
"Hang on Sabine. He might still be savage" he warned.
"Still be savage? What are you talking about? I never went savage" Ezra told them.
The two crew members sighed with relief and went over to Ezra.
"Where am I?" Ezra asked.
"Well. We're not too sure. But Ezra, you said that you knew if you went savage" Sabine told him.
"I...I do know. Did I go savage?"
Kanan and Sabine nodded.
"But...If I'm going savage without me knowing does that mean I'm becoming more a Fyrnock then human? I thought the antidote was supposed to change me back!"
"Ezra calm down. I'm sure there's an explanation for all this. Let's just get back to the Ghost" Kanan said.
Ezra nodded and followed them back to the speeders. They'd almost reached them when Ezra suddenly stopped. He snorted and shook his head.
"Ezra?" Kanan asked going towards his Padawan.
"No! Stay back Kanan" Ezra yelped backing away.
With a hacking noise, Ezra rubbed his face against the ground, snarling with pain and anger.
"Ezra? It's okay. Calm down" Sabine said going to him.
Ezra suddenly swung round and swiped his claws at Sabine.
She gave a yell of pain and clutched her face.
Ezra snarled before shaking himself and blinking.
He looked up and his breath catched.
Blood was trickling from four long scratch marks down Sabine's face.
Ezra looked at his claws.
"I'm a monster" he whispered.
Kanan was beside Sabine. Looking at her injury.
Ezra gave them a terrified glance before speeding always from them.
They watched him go.
A new fear taking hold of them both.
"We have to go after him" Sabine said standing.
"But Sabine. He hurt you..."
"Dosen't matter. He's still our friend. We need to get him back to the Ghost before he does something stupid."

Suggestions are appreciated and welcome.

Star-Wars-Dragons out 🐲

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