Chapter 41: The Shocking News

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Ezra's pov

I'm starting to get really worried now. I haven't seen Ellie in awhile. I might just be over reacting, but I really want to know what's going on.

I decided to tell Kanan during training. "Do you think something bad happened to her?" I ask.

"I'm sure she's fine. Even if something did happen to her, she's dead anyways." Kanan jokes.

"I'm serious Kanan. I haven't seen her since I helped her parents back to heaven." I say.

"I know. Maybe she just needs some time for herself. You need to step back and let her do her thing." He says.

I nod. Kanan's right, Ellie might be in a state of confusion or something. She might need to be alone. So I'll do that for her.

"Thanks Kanan." I say.

"No problem. If anything I'm glad I have some time off hearing insults about me." He says.

"Well not entirely insults but mostly strong opinions against you." I say with a smirk.

Kanan gives me a look. "Really Ezra?"

"I could be wrong. It could be facts too." I say.

"You know what, let's get back to training." He says changing the topic.

I roll my eyes. "More like meditating for the millionth time." I mumble.

"What?" He says.

"Nothing." I say and get into my sitting position.

Is there anything other than meditating  in Jedi trainings? Oh wait, there is. Practice dueling which Kanan never even thought of yet.

There is also deflecting blaster shots or something. But the last time I did that with milk, I almost died.

Don't want to talk about that experience again........

The bright side of meditation is that I could sleep and he would think I'm meditating.

He gets mad at me after, but it's still worth it.

I was about to close my eyes and pretend to meditate, but something felt off.

It feels like I need to go outside, like a voice is telling me to go. It could be the force leading me.

"Uhhh Kanan? May I be excused?" I ask.

"You said that very politely.....what are you up to?" He asks.

"It feels like the force is telling me to go outside." I say.

Kanan thinks for a moment. "Well it is good to trust the force and follow it. Alright go and tell me later what you find."

I nod and leave his room. It feels like something always interrupts our training sessions. Mostly in my favor and not Kanan's.

I go all the way to the ramp and wait for a few seconds.

At first, I don't see anything. Was my instincts wrong? Was it really the force?

That's when a figure appears in front of me. I was scared at first till I realized it was just Ellie.

"Ellie!!!" I shout and hug her. She returns the hug, but something was wrong.

I break out of the hug to see the expression on her face. It looks sad. It definitely isn't like the Ellie I know.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I need to tell you something." Ellie says with sadness in her tone.

I get extremely worried on what she is going to tell me.

"What is it?" I ask even though I didn't want to know.


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