Chapter 37: Finding the lost people

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Ezra's pov

It's so cold. I can't see anything. My heart feels like it's about to burst. Am I dying? I probably am. Now I have to face the fact that I'm never going to see my friends again. Let me just say my last goodbyes.

Sabine. Thanks for acting like the sister I never had. You were always there for me when I was in bad situations. Like the time when I broke the waffle machine, actually you weren't there but at least I still got waffles out of it. I threw up for a week but it was worth it.

Zeb. Even though you have been mean to me when I first met you, I still can't stand you. Don't even get me started on your snores. But I will miss the way you call me kid. Actually I wouldn't. It's the most annoying thing you call me. I mean really, I have a name.

Hera. You always were like a mother to me. You cared about me from the start. You have saved my life when you told me not to go into the kitchen because the floor was wet. Life savor. And you helped me with that splinter. I almost cried that time. You have also comforted me when my favorite show got cancelled. That was disappointing. But at least Sally found her way to land again.

Chopper. Well.......goodbye.

Kanan. Where do I start with you? Oh I know!!!! Prank number 1. You liked that one didn't you? Anyways I want to thank you fo-

Before I could finish saying my goodbyes, I heard someone say something. It sounded like they were telling me to wake up.

That's when my eyes open and I woke up in a haze. I immediately started puking out water. I was still freezing cold.

When I looked around I saw two adults by my side staring at me. One was a woman and the other was a guy. The woman had long brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a purple blouse and blue jeans.

The guy had brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing something Ellie would wear, a pilot uniform.

"He's awake." The woman says to the guy.

"Who *cough* are you?" I ask still choking up water.

"My name is Sydney and this is my husband Larry." She says.

"Larry, unbelievable." I say remembering the weird talk with that gang.

"What?" They both ask at the same time.

"Nothing....." I say.

"Anyways we saw you unconscious so we helped you." The guy known as Larry says.

"Well thanks for the help. Where are we?" I ask them.

"We are in hell. The demon sent us here." Sydney says.

Wait a minute.........

"Wait are you two the parents of a girl named Ellie?" I ask.

They look at me strange. " you know her?" Larry asks me.

"Yes I'm her friend Ezra." I say. That's when their eyes widen.

"Ezra?!?! Ellie told us all about you. What are you doing her?" Sydney asks me.

"I came here to help get you out of this place." I say.

"How? Only someone who's alive could get us out." Larry says.

Sydney face palms. "Honey, he is alive." She says.

"Ohhhh then that should work." He says.

"Do you by any chance know where the hole is?" I ask.

"Yeah there's one right there." Larry says pointing at a hole on the ground.

Sydney face palms again. "Honey I think he meant the hole that the demon put in." She says.

"Ohhh. Then no." He says.

I then this time face palmed. "Ellie told me to get you guys out of here, we would need to go to the hole. We should start searching." I say.

"Ok." They both say at the same time.

Time skip.........

We have been walking for hours and we haven't found the hole. I was starting to lose hope.

"Are we ever going to find the hole?" I ask.

"We just need to keep retracing our footsteps." Sydney says.

"I just wish one of you could've remembered where it was so we wouldn't have to search." I say.

"Oh I know where it is. We just need to go south and we should be there right away." Larry says. I literally stopped walking and stared at him.

"You knew where the hole was the whole time?" I ask feeling anger rising up.

"Yeah just follow me." He says and begins walking again.

"Yeah why don't we do that....." I say trying not to get mad. I would kill him right now if he wasn't already dead.

Before we know it, we were there in 10 minutes. Let me just get this straight.......we were walking for hours and Larry JUST told us where it was and we were there in 10 minutes. 10 MINUTES!!!!!!

"What do we do now?" Sydney asks.

I think about that for a moment. This is as far as I know. Ellie pretty much knew what to do. Wait.......Ellie!!!!

"I know what we need to do." I say.

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