Chapter 13: Special treat

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Kanan's pov

When Ezra and I walked into the ghost, he went straight into his room. I let him have some time alone. I just hope he doesn't realize that I have been in there and read most of his journal.

All of a sudden my stomach starts to rumble so loud. Those days of not eating must've came back to me. I then go into the kitchen and finish my waffles. I hated it but it got my stomach to stop rumbling.

Maybe I should make Ezra something while I'm in here. I'm not sure if that guy fed him so I'll make him his favorite food. Wait what is his favorite food again? Uhhh chicken? No he's a vegetarian.......wait is he?

I got it!!!! Ice cream!!! He did say he loved ice cream in his journal. I could get it from that place he said he's always wanted it from. What's it called......Fabulous!!!! "You know about that?" I hear Ezra say from his room.

I almost thought he was talking to me. I head to Ezra's door and gently knock on it. "Ezra who are you talking to?" I ask. "Uhhhhh myself?" He says hesitant. I could tell he is obviously lying but I'll just let it slide. "Ok. I'm just going to step out for a little while I'll be right back." I say. "Ok Kanan." He says. I then head out of the ghost and start walking to the ice cream parlor.

I've been to the place before, it's pretty nice. It's also not so far from here so at least the ice cream won't melt on the way back. When I walked inside the building, it looked lifeless. No one was here and only one person was behind the counter.

"What would you like sir?" The man asks me sounding very depressed. "Uhhh what kind of chocolate do you have?" I ask. "All we have is dark chocolate." He says. "Is there any chocolate toppings?" I ask. "Only chocolate sprinkles and fudge." He says.

"Ok then can I have the chocolate with the two toppings to go?" I ask. "Can I get a break for once?" He asks. "Uhhhh yes?" I say. "Well no but I'll still give you the ice cream." He says starting to scoop it. Ok then.

When he puts it all in a bag, he hands me the bill. "That will be 30 credits please." He says holding his hand out. I only have 10 credits........."You will give me the ice cream for free." I say using the force. "I will give you the ice cream for free." He says and hands it to me.

I had to.........I then leave the store and go straight to the ship. I try to get everything set before Ezra comes out of his room. I could tell he is having fun by hearing him laughing. I put the ice cream in a bowl and the toppings next to it.

Now it is time to unleash the monster. Ok I'm losing my mind over ice cream. "Ezra!!! Come in the kitchen!!!! I have something for you!!!" I shout. After a few seconds, the door opens and Ezra comes in. When Ezra notices the ice cream, his jaw drops and his eyes widen.

"OH MY FORCE!!!!!" He shouts in excitement running towards it. Ezra then starts jumping up and down while looking at it. "OH MY FORCE OH MY FORCE OH MY FORCE OH MY FORCE OH MY FORCE OH MY FORCE OH MY FORCE!!!!!!!!" He shouts.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Woah Ezra calm down." I say making him stop jumping. "I can't believe you......where did you....." He says very confused. "I got it from a place called Fabulous." I say. Ezra gasps. "Oh my-" I cut him off. "Please don't say oh my force again." I say.

"Thank you so much!!!!" He shouts pulling me into a quick hug and starts putting the toppings on and stuffing it in his face. I just laugh. I didn't even get him a spoon and he was already half way done. "You like it?" I ask him. "Mmmm." He says not looking away from the ice cream.

After a few minutes, the bowl was empty. I just stared at it. "Wow....." Is all I say. "It was really good. How did you know I liked ice cream?" He asks. Oh no how do I get out of this? I should use the force on him, oh wait doesn't work on him. "Uhhh I just had a feeling." I lie.

"Well thanks it was soooo good." He says and puts the bowl in the sink. That's when he heads to the door. "Oh and I hope you liked my ice cream entry in my journal." He says with a smile and walks out. Wait how did he.......I can't win with that kid.

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