Chapter 27: The Return of Mike

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Ezra's pov

"When I see Kanan again I'm gonna beat the crab out of him!!!!" Ellie shouts. "Woah language." I say. "I said crab Ezra. You know that I wouldn't say  the other word." She says. I try to laugh but I just couldn't.

I miss my friends. As much as I hate what Kanan wrote about me, I miss him. Ellie notices the expression on my face. "You miss them don't you?" She asks me. "Yeah but I'm sure they don't miss me." I say. "They do miss you." She says. "Well Kanan probably doesn't." I say.

She doesn't say anything. She probably thinks it's true. We just stay silent while walking down the street. Awhile ago we decided to go to the town. Ellie suggested we get some fresh air and talk, (also just in case they search for me in my tower).

"I'm starving." Ellie says. "How could you be starving? I thought you don't get hungry anymore?" I ask. "Sometimes but right now I need something. How much credits do you have?" She asks me. Oh no I forgot to get credits.

"Uhhh I don't have any." I say. "What?!?!?" She shouts with anger in her eyes. Ellie kept shouting at me but I couldn't pay attention to her. It felt like someone was following us. I turn around to see a man sprinting towards us. The look on his face makes me know who it is.


"Are you even listening to me?" Ellie asks me. How did he get here? I saw the fleet arrest him. "We need to go." I say walking a little faster. "What is it?" She asks turning around to see Mike getting closer. "Mike!!! Come on run!!!!" Ellie shouts grabbing my hand and dashing off.

"You know him?!?!" I shout still running. "Yeah I told you I've been watching you!!!! I feared that man the first time he kidnapped you!!!" She shouts. I turn around to see that Mike only got closer to us. We keep running till we reach a dead end.

"Oh no that's not good." I say. "Yeah no kidding." She says seriously. "Hey!!!!" We hear Mike shout. "You can't run away from me!!! I'll always find you Ezra!!!" He shouts getting closer. Ellie stands in front of me to protect me. Even though he can just go through her, I still felt protected.

"Stay away from him!!!" Ellie shouts. But Mike can't hear her. She was going to go into her form where he could see her, but Mike then grabs my arm and starts to drag me. "Let go!!!" I shout trying to get out of his grip. "Ezra!!!" Ellie shouts pulling on my other arm.

Mike gets confused on how I was being pulled away. But he continues trying to drag me. Ellie doesn't loosen her grip on me. It was like a tug of war. I just hope Ellie won. A few minutes pasted and my arms were starting to bleed.

That's when I decide to step on his foot causing him to yelp in pain and let me go. Ellie and I don't hesitate to run. We bolt through the streets and take many turns so Mike won't follow us. It quickly became dark so we immediately got lost. "Well that's just great." Ellie says looking around. We were both alone in the middle of the streets in the dark.

Well we thought we were alone.

A group of men appear out of nowhere. They are all wearing leather jackets. I've learned by my years on the streets that people with leather jackets aren't good guys. "Hello there young boy." One of them says. "Uhhhh hello." I say. "Why would you say hello?" Ellie asks with her hand on her forehead.

I just shrug too afraid to say another word. "Where are you going this late at night?" The same one asks me. "Ummm well......I don't know." I say trying to spit out the words. "Since you don't know, maybe you should just come with us." Another one says.

"Yeah we have a club we need to attend so why don't you come." A guy with a mustache says. "Sorry mustache I-" I quickly cover my mouth. Ellie tries to hold in her laughter. "What did you just call me boy?" He asks coming closer to me. "I think he just called you mustache." A tattooed guy says to the mustache guy.

That's when he goes so close to me, our noses almost touch. Ok I'm dead now. Farewell world. I'm going to die now so might as well say a few things about- "Ha!!! I like this kid!!" The mustache guy says cutting my thoughts short and patting my back.

Everyone else then starts laughing with him. "What is going on?" Ellie asks. "I have no idea." I whisper. "Come on let's get to the club before someone spots us. Take the kid." The tattooed guy says. That's when the mustache guy throws me on his shoulder and begins walking.

"Uhhh Ellie...." I say getting afraid. "Don't worry Ezra I'm following you." She says. Well this is going to be an interesting night........

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