Chapter 4: Dead

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Kanan's pov

I woke up to the sound of beeping. It took me a second to remember that I was in Ezra's room. I quickly left and went into the common room. Fulcrum was trying to contact me. She must've found Ezra!!!!!

"Fulcrum!! Did you find him?" I ask immediately. "Well we did find something." She says. "Did you happen to see Ezra having this?" She asks and shows me a balloon hat. That's the one I saw him wearing!!! "Yeah I left that at the town after Ezra disappeared." I say.

"Ok we found something that you should come here and see." She says. By the way Fulcrum said that it didn't sound like she found Ezra. "Ok I'll be there soon." I say and end the transmission. I hope whatever she has to show me is a good sign.

Before I think of starting the engine of the ghost, I go back to Ezra's room to read his next entry. It seems to be the only thing to calm me down.

July 13

It's me again, you probably know my name from my last one. I haven't wrote anything in awhile because strange things have been happening. Last month, this tall man tried to convince me to go into his van.

I didn't know who he was so I ran back to my parents. When I told them, they explained to me that he tried to kidnap me. At first I didn't understand. Why would someone want to take a child?

They told me that there could be many reasons. Ones for money and the second one my mom didn't want me to know yet. She'll tell me one day. Well it was a very scary experience for me.

Oh wait!!! I never told you about my friends!!!! Since I don't go to a school and our neighbors don't have kids, I don't have as many friends. But one day, many kids just appeared in my room. They were actually really nice.

My best friend was Ellie. She was the most fun and always made me feel happy when I was sad. My parents made me see help when they noticed me talking to her. They thought it worked but I still see them. Ellie promised me she would never leave me.

I hope she keeps her promise.


Ellie? Ezra never told me about her. Maybe he grew out of it. I put the book back on the counter and head to the control room. I put in the coordinates and go into hyperspace.

When I landed, the first person I saw was Fulcrum. "Your here." She says when I walk out of the ghost. "Yeah so what did you find?" I ask her. She looks down. "Come I'll show you." She says and starts walking away. I quickly follow her.

She pulls up a chair for me to sit on and she sits on the other one holding a picture. "I did find something that was right next a van in an alley." She says. "I saw Ezra be taken into a van. Could it be the same one?" I ask. "I took a picture of it." She says and pulls out a picture. The van looked exactly the same as the one before.

"Yes that's the one." I say. "Ok I'm going to get some more pictures and have a detective ask you questions." She says and walks out of the room. This could be a good sign. Hopefully this will lead us to Ezra.

After a few minutes, a man comes in with a brown suit. "Hello you must be the detective." I say. "Yes I am, I'm going to ask you some questions." He says. "But first, state to me what has happened." He says. "Ezra was kidnapped yesterday." I say.

All of a sudden his eyes widen. "Oh I'm sorry but he's dead." He says. My stomach tightens. "What?!?!" I shout. "We found a body that was stabbed to death." He says. My vision goes blurry. "He's dead?" I ask. "Yes I'm sorry." He says.

My padawan is dead. My son is dead. That's when I pass out.

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