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Sunday's were always my boring days.

Again I was stuck in church listening to the elders talk about how everyone and everything is corrupted by the devil and how back in their day skirts had to be three inches below the knee to be acceptable.

I had the pleasure of being tortured to listen to them.

My mother said is was disrespectful to object.

"And did you hear about that Madison girl." Mary said, fanning herself as we stood outside of church. "She's going to be looser than an old pair of saggy jeans. Loren takes no time out to teach that girl."

Susan and Justine agreed.

"Everyone told her marrying that old drunk would mess up her relationship with the lord. Now look at her, with a drunk of a husband and a whore of a daughter."

I bit my lip from cussing at her. This is why I hated church.

The people always forget that at a time they didn't have everything figured out. We're young and we make mistakes, some mistakes worse than others.

The towns bus stopped in front of the church to let some people off.

From the window I could see Chase waving wildly at me. Kade and Madison right beside him.

I walked over to the bus, Chase standing in the entrance way.

"What are you guys doing?"

Dakota leaned back in the drivers seat. "Saving you from boredom."

"You guys stole a bus?" From the looks on their faces I know they had. "There is something called prison."

Chase sighed, "We simply borrowed it without permission."

Kade came out leaning against the bus. "Wow I like the dress."

Playfully I punched his arm. "I was forced." The short floral dress made me want to vomit. Dresses just aren't my thing. Neither is skirts.

Just the word made me sick.

Skirts, disgusting.

"No I like it." We both stared at each other. "Okay I'm lying you look a crayon box threw up on you."

"It is tacky." Chase agreed.

"Who is this women staring at me?"

From behind me Mary was glaring at Kade along with her followers.

"That's my grandmother." Madison explained leaning over the seat. "The town elders. They think they are so wise and know everything but from what I can recall she got pregnant at thirteen and can't tell my mother who her father is."

Chase gave Madison an high five. "Bitch you burned her and served her for dinner."

I shook my head at them.

"So are you coming or what?" Dakota asked, "We need to get there before dark."

"Get where?"

"Starlight City." Kade spoke. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head.

"Seriously?" My excitement increasing.

Starlight City was just like Vegas except you don't need an ID to do anything. Some time ago the people of this town tried to have it as to no teenagers were allowed to go.

The mayor even was in on it. Parents kept their children inside fearing they would defy them and go beyond the bordered lines.

I heard it was like a candy store for the rebellions.

"What about school and the bus?"

The next break didn't start for another week.

"We are seniors. School no longer is a obligation and Don won't say anything about his bus being missing if he doesn't want the word to come out that he's screwing, Mr. Lance."

"She's creeping me out." Mary and her friends still watching him. The whole church was staring at us.

Phil yelling at me with his eyes, not wanting to shout in front of the people, for that would be un-preacher like of him.

"They just think your heathens."

"We should give them something to look at." He smashed his lips to mine placing his hands on my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling into the kiss.

I pulled away looking at him.

"Are they all appalled?"

He searched around over my head. "One person fainted and the rest are in shock." He averted his eyes back to me. "I think we gave them one hell of a show Dylan West."

"Your stepdad is coming." Chase announced getting back on the bus.

Behind me Phil was coming full speed. 

I ran in the bus with Kade behind me.

Dakota quickly closed the door in his face, driving away.

Blowing kisses at him through the window.

My mother stood holding in her laughter.

Cole, John and Derrick were also on the bus.

"That was the most intense kiss I've ever seen, I call for an encore." John nodded,clapping.

"I think we well save that for Starlight City." Kade cockily wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

And I quickly removed it. "You well never come close Kade Matthews."

"Is this a bet I'm hearing?" Derrick asked, amused.

"I'm listening."

"If you sleep with Kade on the first night you have to run naked across the football field and if you don't, I'll do it."

"You'll sleep with Kade?" Cole asked, high.

"No idiot." Madison hit him on his head. "Run across the field naked."

Rubbing my hands together, I thought. "Let's make this a little bit more interesting."

Derrick waited for my deal.

"If ,which I won't." Kade scoffed at this. "Sleep with Kade on the first night I'll run across the football field naked but if I don't."

I paused dramatically.

"You have to announce to everyone that you date Chase."

He thought it over. "Deal, West."

I shook his hand.

Kade chuckled, "Witherhall you just made a deal with the devil."

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