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"It's a blessing and a curse to be that sexy."

I gagged at the drooling Chase over Derrick.

We sat on the bleachers ,Saturday, like we do every Saturday, to watch Cole during practice.

Cole is Madison's boyfriend.

However she's says, "We are just special friends."

Who kiss, hold hands, and have sex whenever her moms at work.

'Special friends'.

Dakota spends her Saturday in more active ways by vandalizing houses on the other side of town with her brother.

For a football player Cole wasn't half bad. Cole was funny. He always had a thing for black girls so Madison being overly attractive was first on his list.

During break he sat between me and Madison.

"Cole can I ask you something?"

He gulped down his water before nodding. "Anything Dill."

"Am I attractive?"

Nervously he scratched the back of his head."I mean sorta not to  me of course because I like you know, things of color, but your not ugly Dill."

But what does not ugly mean.

I was about to ask Chase when I seen him and Derrick gawking at each other.

Derrick noticed me staring, quickly looking away.

"I can't believe your screwing him." I whispered into Chase's ear. "And you couldn't even tell me."

Chase jumped, looking at me. "You almost gave me a heart attack. How do you know?"

"Kade told me he dropped you off there. Now why would you be over at Derrick Witherhall's house at seven p.m. I don't know you tell me."

"Madison we'll be back." Chase dragged me off the bleachers toward the water fountain. Where we were alone "Look you cant say anything to anyone. Derrick isn't ready for anyone to know yet."

"My lips are sealed."

Chase sighed with relief.

"How was It? Sex I mean."

He looked around to make sure no one could hear. "Amazing. He was so gentle and rough at the same time."

I smiled up at him. "Aww. Well did you guys talk about dating and stuff?"

"No." He fanned. "Afterwards he told me I had to go. I'm sure it was because his dad or somebody was coming home."

My smile dropped. "What about Hailey?"

"I'm sure he's going to break up with her soon. Speaking of boys, what did you and Kade Matthews do last night?" Wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

Shrugging,It was absolutely fun. "We just talked. Oh and we watched episodes of American Horror Story."

Chase rolled his eyes. As if to say. "Stop Being suck a boy,Dylan."

"That's not what Kade told me." Chase curled his lips up. "He said that you were flirting with him and saying how he's your daddy, that you wanted him to spank you. Speaking of your daddy here he comes."

There he was walking across the field in dark jeans,black shirt, hands stuck inside his pockets. "Hey guys."

"Hey daddy." I mocked dryly.

His arm wrapped around my neck. "Please Dylan not in front of people."

You got to be fucking kidding me.

"You lied."

"I stretched the truth, a tad."

Coach Mach blew his whistle for the players to return to the field.

"Gotta go guys." Chase raced over to the bleachers to watch Derrick.

I followed until I was pulled from behind.

"Hey." He trapped me with his arms. His eyes were low and hazy. A bright pink color.

"Your fucking stoned." I laughed.

"Madison gave me some weird brownies. I think The had weed in them."

"You think?" Shaking my head. "Have you ever been high before?"

"Of course I have. I'm not a square."

"I'm so disappointed in you Kade Matthews."

"Well I'm sorry Dylan West."

A group of girls walked by us.

"Hi Kade." One of them giggled.

One of the normals.

Kade narrowed his eyes. "She's hot."

I sized her over. "Yea I'd totally hit."

"You think she'd let me?"

"She looks like the type to be into the lamb skin condom type of freaky shit."

We both laughed.

"What are you doing here? Thought you had some big project due in shop class." We walked,sitting at the bottom of the bleachers.

"I did. However you see that guy up there." He pointed to Chase. "He's my partner. He decided that watching Derrick shirtless is important than our A." Sounds like Chase. "And Madison invited me to what she called 'The Misfits House'."

Our house.

But technically it's not a house.

The most funniest place you can ever go to in America.

A place where people like Hailey and Derrick could never enter.

"You ever been?" He asked.

"Basically, was raised in the place."

Coach blew his whistle at the players. "Come on Witherhall actually catch the ball, Damn it!"

"Well at least Chase was right about one thing."

He scoff. "And what would that be?"

"Derrick does have nice abs."

Kade glared at me, walking away.

"So you can do it but I can't!" I yelled. "That's a double standard and unfair."

"Sorry to tell you Dylan West but life is always unfair."

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