Part 1-Feel This Moment

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Brittney's POV

I just remember his arms wrapped around me when I was cold. He wasn't muscular but I liked that. The funny little feeling I get whenever he touches me grew huge inside me because of the shock he sent through my body. We have done much more then just cuddle in this past week but cuddling is my favorite thing to do with him. This is the last night I have with him which is a lot to just take in right now. A tear rolled down my face and into his white shirt, I remember that. Which is one of the few things I remember that.

"What's the matter?" He asked and moved a strand of hair from my face. "I don't want to leave you." I said. It has only been a week but I feel like we have known each other for like ever. Jack is the sweetest guy I have ever met in my life. Such a sweet, adorable guy. I wiped my eyes and we just layed in silence for the night until I fell asleep in him arms with my face pressed up against his chest so I could hear his heart beating in my ear.

Jeffery's POV

I sat at the edge of the bed with a frown on my face and Jenn's chin on my left shoulder and her hand on my right shoulder. That week with my best friends and my two idols was amazing. I'm so glad I got us the plane tickets here. I could tell Jenn was just as upset as I was. I looked at her and layed back down on the bed. She took off her shirt and went under the covers next to me.

"I don't want you to leave." She said and I couldn't help but let out an upset breath. I faced her and kissed her forehead. She nuzzled into me and shut her eyes gently. We layed down in silence and we eventually both fell asleep. I dreamed of me staying here forever with Jenn. Us growing old together, having grandchildren. I can't believe this all just started with a celebrity/youtuber crush. I'm glad it did turn out this way, but in the end me having to leave Jennifer McCallister is torture. I wish I could just relive this past week over and over again. That's what I truly want and I know Jenn wants that too. And Brittney. And of course Jack.

I don't know if this is the end.

But I hope it's not.

Narrators POV

It's funny how there love for each other grew so much through this one week. Jeffery and Brittney had been planning this for basically ever. Jeffery would check Jack and Jenn's twitters, instagrams, fan sites. Everything. Finally Jeffery found the opportunity to go to one of Ricky Dillon's "legendary" parties. All the youtubers were going to be there. Ricky Dillon, Andrea Russett, JC Caylen, Kian Lawley, Rebecca Black, Ohheyitsandrew, Lohanthony, and of course Jennxpenn and Thatsojack.

Ricky loved fans and of course there would be so many fans going to the party and meeting them all but none of ten were lucky like Jeffery and Brittney who actually got to begin a relationship with Jenn and Jack. Jack and Jeffery basically had the same personality of having bully experiences and bein called gay all their lives. Brittney and Jenn were complete opposites though. They had nothing in common.

"Do you think they would let us in?" Brittney asked.

"Ricky loves his fans of course he would." Jeffery responded but Brittney could tell he wasn't completely sure.

"Okay. Ricky seems like a cool guy anyway." She stated and pursed her lips.

"Exactly, everything will be okay, Britt. I hope." He said with an unsure facial expression.

Brittney smiled and put her back on the bed. The thoughts raced through both of their head just thinking about what the worst thing that could happen was. They could hate them. Think they are creepy. Want them to leave. Kick them out. So many terrible things could happen but none of them did thankfully.

It took them forever to get the courage to go to the famous Ricky Dillon parties so they needed to have the perfect plan on how to meet all of them in one night. The down side is they would have to save Jack and Jenn for last.

Even though it would be hard to stay away from them it would be worth it in the end. Trust them. Brittney and Jeffery packed like 3 nights before leaving for L.A

It felt like 8 years waiting to get on that plane for the next 2 days and Jeffery felt like he was just barely living in an obsolete HELL.

Not excluding Brittney of course, she felt the exact same way about it. Like HELL. Jeffery and Brittney had their doubts but in the end it turned out perfect. Better than they planned but stakes are high when they begin all falling in love.

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