The Fire inside

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"Welcome to the village Dominic". We walked for about 20 minutes through five tunnels and one antechamber; to reach a massive underground chamber. Their were at least fifty houses and many public kind of buildings.

"What is this place; it is massive". And i mean massive at least fifty feet wide. "This as i said this is the village; home to many who needed it in their time's pf trouble. Some were even born here". Why would anyone want to live underground.

"This is only one of the village's that we have". "What do you mean one; how many is their". I can't believe their is more than one of these place's in the world. "There is four altogether in the world; this one and three others".

"Where are the other three village's"; well this must be some kind of cult that took me. From were ever it was that they took me."Wait a minute; how come i eneded up here, where ever here is". He chuckled at me as though i was an idiot or something.

"Lets just say that where you are isn't that far from where you were." What that just confuses me more than what i already am.

"What! that doesn't make any sense, at all". Terrance just chuckled at me like it was the easiest thing to comprihend in the entire world. "That is one of the things you will learn here. How to make sense of that what doesn't".

 "But you can't make sense out of any of that" i cried out; i mean seriously who does he think he is. Some kind of philosopher. While we were having this wonderful conversation a few people had come up and were standing around us just staring; and that's when everything went wrong................ everything crumbled.

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