Mute (BoyXBoy)

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*Leo's POV*

I believe stories are everything.

And that no matter how small the detail, if you're going to start telling one, you need to follow it through with pride.

At least, that's what I thought before I entered my English class.

Dropping my head to the desk in front of me, I sighed as the teacher droned on about her trip to LA in a failed attempted to save her relationship.

'Just a few more minutes.' I thought to myself. 'Just a little longer and I'll be out of this hell-hole of a state.'

Most kids would probably be upset about leaving everything behind, but not me. I have no friends to lose. Not because I didn't want any, but simply because most the kids at this school were too stupid to hold a conversation longer than two minutes, unless it involved the latest celebrity, or whose dating who.

"Alright everyone, since today is Leo's last day, I think we should all take the last few moments of class to say something nice about him."

Jerking my head up from the desk in front of me, I stared in disbelief at the teacher whose head I now wanted to mount on the flag pole. For an English Teacher, she way to motherly. Always pushing for me to make friends, talk to people, or even get them to talk to me. I couldn't stand it, just like I couldn't stand her.

It took everything I had not to break out in laughter as nobody opened their mouths to say a single word. What could they say, anyways? Not a one of them knew anything about me.

"Come now, I'm sure there is something we can say about him."

"I will, Miss Evans."

Throwing my head to the side, I narrowed my eyes as the school's good girl stood up from her chair and smiled. I couldn't stand her, and she knew it. Lauren always had something to say. Tried to be friends with everyone, even when they've made it clear she needed to go away. But none of those things bothered me compared to her constant attempts at flirting. Every chance she got, from middle school, up till now, she has tried to sleep with me, and just about every other guy in both schools.

I sat there listening to her ramble on about things that had never taken place between us, never would have, and will, until the bell finally rang over head releasing a flood of students into the hallways. Walking to my locker and grabbing everything out, I held my head high with joy as I walked passed everyone in this school, for the last time.

After opening my drivers' side door and loading my stuff in, I turned on my mp3 player then put it on shuffle, listening to everything that came on the entire drive home. Fortunately, my mom had already packed up most of our things while I was at school. All I had to do was load them into the truck. We knew the trip was going to take at least two days to drive, but with moms' fear flying, there was no way I was going to ask if we could just take a plane.

"Hey bubba how was school?"

I hadn't even realized I was home. Stepping out of my car and looking down, I smiled at my little sister who retuned my gesture. Her light blonde hair pulled into braided pig-tales bounced around as I picked her up, while staring at the one thing I was jealous of. Her bright green eyes shined in the sunlight, sparkling just as bright as her smile.

"Hey there, beautiful. School was good how was your day with mom?"

"It was okay, I'm really tired though. How come you have so many clothes?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her question. I did have a lot. I mean, I didn't care much for shopping, but being in a position where I could just blow money, I did it. And I did it often.

Mute (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now