Chapter 17

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A few days later:

Barry and Y/N were both sitting in his lab eating breakfast from Jitters when Patty walked in. She had intended to talk to Barry alone, but as soon as she walked in she discovered that Y/N was there.

"Hey Barry, Y/N," she said as she walked closer to them.

"Morning Patty," Y/N replied with a smile.

"Barry, can I talk to you for a second...alone," Patty said emphasizing the alone part. Y/N could tell that she was referring to her.

"Yeah, I'll be right back," Barry said kissing Y/N quickly before going out to the hall with Patty.

Patty stood there for a moment in front of Barry just staring at him. She knew what she wanted to do, but she was second guessing herself.

"Wha-" Barry was interrupted by Patty crashing her lips into his. He immediately pulled away, he was shocked that Patty would do that, she knew that he was with Y/N.

"Patty, what the heck, I don't have feelings for you, that was 5 years ago," Barry said looking disgusted.

"Barry, don't deny it you love me," Patty said trying to kiss him once more. Barry pushed her away,

"Patty, I loved you once, but that was 5 years ago, and don't forget you left me...I've moved on, and I'm happy now for the first time in forever I am finally happy, and if you can't accept that then I'm sorry," Barry said walking away and back to his lab.

Patty stood there, she was shocked that he no longer had those feelings. Now she felt like an idiot, "What did I just do?" she thought to herself as she went back to her work.

As Barry walked back into his lab his steps were heavy, Y/N could tell that something or someone was annoying him.

"What's wrong?" Y/N asked looking at Barry as he sat down across from her.

"Patty," he said sounding annoyed, "She kissed me, and I didn't kiss back; then she said she had feelings for me, and then I had to explain that I didn't have feelings for her and now I look like the bad guy," Barry said putting his face in his hands.

"Bar, it's okay you are not the bad guy," Y/N said pulling his hands away from his face and intertwining them with hers.

"You're not mad?" Barry asked surprised.

"Barry, you told me the truth as soon as it happened, of course, I forgive you, I trust that you wouldn't cheat on me, hopefully you trust me enough to know that I would never cheat on you either," Y/N said looking into his eyes, something about them was just fascinating to her.

"I've always trusted you, ever since that lucky day that ended up on Earth 5," Barry said kissing her once again. They were sitting there happily enjoying their breakfast when both of their phones went off.

"Attack at the Wayne Tech building downtown," Barry said getting up to grab his suit as Y/N sped off ahead of him. Y/N arrived to see a sort of mist attacking a person. She could tell that the man was long gone, and then the mist noticed her. She created a sort of speed vacuum by rotating her arms, he was eventually scared off, and then she and Barry both got everyone to safety.

"Another prisoner escape from Iron Heights?' Y/N asked looking at Barry as they surveyed the scene.

"Kyle Nimbus...the Mist," Barry said referencing the name that was given by Cisco.

"Flashes!" someone yelled, they both turned to see Captain Singh shouting at them. They walked towards him blurring their faces to make sure he wouldn't recognize him.

"I'm assuming you know something about the recent prisoner escapes at Iron Heights," he said looking at them both. The two nodded their heads.

"It might be best if you take the meta-humans still there back into your custody until we figure it out," Singh said walking away.

"It's not a bad idea," Y/N said turning to look at Barry.

"It's not a great one either," Barry said looking back at her.

Then they sped back to S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco and Caitlin both waiting for them.

"The Mist strikes again," Cisco said sounding proud of his name.

"Yeah he killed the head of the Wayne Tech branch here in Central City," Y/N said in a serious tone.

"There has to be a connection, last time Nimbus attacked he killed people who had wronged him," Barry said before taking off his suit.

"Okay...this guy was married to the judge who convicted him, that's the only connection I can find," Cisco said sounding a little flustered.

"Maybe he's killing for sport now," Caitlin suggested. As soon as she finished her statement Cisco's alerts began going off again, "He's attacking two places at once," Cisco said confused.

"Good thing there's two of us Barry said before running off to the first location.

A few minutes later:

"Where is he Cisco!" Y/N said frustrated that they could no longer find Barry. She began to grow worrisome when she went to both locations and found no sign of Nimbus or Barry.

Just then Barry came speeding into the Cortex unable to breathe. 

"Barry!" Caitlin said as she tried to catch him as he fell to the ground.

Cisco and Y/N managed to get him to the medical bed, then Caitlin began working on helping Barry. Y/N stood right by his side holding his hand as he struggled for air, she now knew what he'd felt that night that she was hurt by Yorkin.

"I-I love you," Barry managed to say in his final breaths before he passed out.

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