Chapter 15

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All Y/N could manage was a shaky "Hi," 

Then Oliver went into a deep conversation about this Jeremy guy who had tattoos that came to life.

"Cool," Barry said before noticing Oliver's expression, "I mean awful," he finished.

"There was a meta-human like him on Earth 5, her name was Ava Carson. She had tattoos of weapons that she could 'bring to life'," Y/N said hoping that this knowledge would help Oliver. Then after discussing a plan, Oliver asked to talk to Y/N in private as he pulled her to the side.

"Look, Barry told me about what happened...and I understand how hard this must be for you," Oliver said giving a sympathetic look.

"Thank you, if it helps you you're a lot nicer on this Earth," Y/N said trying to lift the mood.

"And how would you know that?" Oliver asked with a grin.

"Because Earth 5 you trained me, and trust me you're nicer," Y/N said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"By the way, thanks for this Oliver," Y/N said before walking away Oliver said,

"It's Ollie, you can call me Ollie," he said.

"Well if I can call you Ollie than I'm assuming that I can also give you a hug," Y/N said putting her arms out.

"I don't hug people," Oliver said back.

"I possess super speed so I could hug you without you ever knowing, or you could just hug me," Y/N said with a smile. Then the two hugged before heading back to where Barry and the others were. On their way back Oliver asked,

"So exactly how much faster are you than Barry?"

"About 4.5 times faster, but I'm still getting faster," Y/N said. Oliver replied with a smirk.

"Ready to go?" Barry asked taking Y/N's hand in his own.

"Yeah, is the nerd squad done talking?" Y/N asked in a jokingly way.

"I think you're forgetting that you're a nerd too," Barry said nudging her.

"Oh really?" asked Felicity a little surprised.

"Yes, I am a scientist, I graduated from MIT when I was 14, I'm what you would call a prodigy mainly because I have a photographic memory," Y/N said.

"Wow, smart and fast, got yourself a keeper there Barry," Oliver said with a smile.

And with that Barry and Y/N sped back to their apartment. 

"Okay, that doesn't freak you guys out?" Diggle asked hoping for someone to agree.

Back to the apartment:

As they entered Y/N went and sat on the couch.

"Well that went better than I thought it would," Barry said as he sat next to his girlfriend.

"Yeah, well I had some help," Y/N said looking up and Barry and taking his hand in her own.

"Well, you do know what this suit's made of right?" Barry asked gesturing to his suit and raising a brow.

Y/N replied with a confused look.

"Boyfriend material," he said with a goofy grin.

"You are so cheesy, you're lucky you're cute Allen," Y/N said taking his face in her hands.

Just then someone entered through the door unexpectedly.

"Yorkin?" Barry said standing up and sounding stunned.

"Okay that's it we're getting a better lock on that door," Y/N said sounding angry.

"You know this is the second time I'm gonna hurt someone you love Flash," Yorkin said glancing at Y/N in her suit.

"Oh just shut up already," Y/N said before running at him and attempting to kick him, but not before he stuck out his hand and touched her leg. Y/N collapsed to the ground groaning in pain as her leg began turning black. All Barry wanted to do was run to her, but Yorkin was still a problem. Barry eventually got Yorkin off his tail long enough to run to  Y/N.

"Hey! Look at me, you're're okay," Barry said picking her up and running her to S.T.A.R. Labs. As soon as they got there he set her on the bed and called for Caitlin.

"I've got her Barry...she's gonna be okay," Caitlin said gripping his shoulders and pushing him out of the way. Barry couldn't hold back the tears as the first person he had loved in a long time was hurt. Then Cisco came and tried to comfort him before asking,

" I thought Yorkin was at Iron Heights," Cisco said.

"Someone must've let him out, and I have and idea about who," Barry said thinking about Thawne, just that thought alone made him so angry. Then Caitlin came out,

"She's stable, it wasn't easy but lucky for you she has speedster blood coursing through her veins," Caitlin said gesturing for him to go in.

Barry walked in and sat by Y/N's side all night, his hand in hers, he couldn't help but think that this was somehow his fault. The sound of her steady breathing lulled him to sleep. 

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