Chapter 9

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I woke up still laying in Barry's arms..."I could get used to this," I thought to myself. I must've woken him up because he started to get up.

"Not so fast Flash," I said pulling him down closer to me.

He turned and said, "I gotta go to work." And with that, he kissed me before speeding to get ready, and I heard the door close downstairs. 

"God I love him," I said pulling myself out of bed.

I showered and changed, I missed Barry. I decided I would go visit him at work, I assumed he didn't eat breakfast so I stopped by Jitters on the way. Then I arrived at the precinct and said hello to Joe and then headed up to Barry's lab.

"Hey," he said looking up from his work with a smile, "What are you doing here," he got from his desk and came over to me.

"Well, you were in a rush this morning and I assumed you didn't eat I stopped by Jitters," I said handing him his cup of coffee.

"Thanks babe," he said wrapping a hand around my waist and giving me a kiss.

"So what are you doing?" I asked.

"Just running over some cases, I should be done soon if you wanna catch lunch together," he said going back to his work at his desk.

I was about to accept his offer for lunch when our phones went off. 

"There's a robbery at 1st and 29th, and a fire at the old sawmill," he said getting up and going after his suit.

"I'll take robbery you take the fire," I said speeding off and activating my ring. I arrived at the bank, but no robbery was taking place. Just a few people making deposits. 

"It's a trap," I mumbled to myself before racing to the fire where Barry was. "If there really was a fire," I thought to myself as I ran to him.

I arrived to see Barry fighting a man, it appeared as though he could control the weather, he creating hail, and casting it away at Barry. I ran at the man from behind and knocked him on his feet. Again, he kept attacking Barry, not focusing on me. I ran up to him and punched him in the face, and then struck him a bolt of electricity. I stood there for a moment catching my breath before running to Barry who was rolling on the ground in pain.

"You okay," I said rolling him over so he was facing me.

"Yeah, I will be," he said while slowly getting up.

"Who is that?" I asked gesturing over to the weather man.

"Mark Martin, Weather Wizard as Cisco calls him," he said walking over to him, "He must've escaped out of Iron Heights."

"Good to what are we gonna do with him?" I asked.

"Stick him in the pipeline, and make sure he stays there," Barry said turning his head and looking at me.

"What?" I asked as he kept staring.

"Nothing it's look really hot in that suit," he whispered into my ear.

"You are not so bad yourself," I said kissing him briefly.

"I should get back to the station."

"And I should get back to S.T.A.R. Labs," I said still wanting to kiss his lips one more time.

"Okay keep it PG guys," Cisco said over the coms.

Barry and I both smiled at one another before parting our separate ways.

An hour later...

I put Martin in the pipeline and headed back to the Cortex, as I rounded the corner Cisco said,

"So you and Barry huh?" with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" I asked walking over to his array of computers and leaning against the desk.

"Nothing it's just Central City's two speedsters are in love!" he said overly excited.

"Cisco...calm down, so what if we're in love?" I asked wondering what the big deal was.

"What's the big deal, do you understand what would happen if the city found out...people would-." He was cut off by Barry entering the Cortex.

"The people would what Cisco?" Barry said coming up and kissing me and wrapping an arm around me. God, I missed those lips.

"You ready?" he asked looking at me with his perfect green eyes.

"For what?" I asked not knowing what he had planned.

"Well lunch got interrupted, so I thought we could out for dinner instead?"

"Dinner sound perfect, I could make spaghetti and meatballs if you want?" I said hoping to stay in tonight.

"You don't want to go out somewhere?" he asked a little confused.

"I don't care where I go, so long as I'm with you," I said giving him a quick peck on the lips.

Then I turned to see Cisco staring at us with a huge smile plastered on his face, I shook my head before I ran to the apartment; Barry behind me.

Later that night after dinner:

Third Person POV: -trying something different :)

"Man, you're lucky you didn't tell me you could cook, otherwise I would've made you make breakfast," Barry said happily satisfied with his meal.

"So what next for our romantic date night Allen?" Y/N asked.

"That depends..." he said grabbing her hands and leading her to the couch.

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