Chapter Four

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The next I woke up early and headed downstairs, I figured that Barry had made me breakfast 2 days in a row and that I should return the favor. I didn't quite know what he liked so I went simple with waffles, eggs, and bacon. I was setting the table when I saw a sleepy Barry come downstairs.

 "You didn't have to do all this," he said in his morning voice. 

"Yes, actually I did, you made me breakfast the past 2 days, my turn to return the favor," I said back. 

"Okay, then let's eat," he said with a smile.

After we ate breakfast he went to work, I said that I was gonna go to S.T.A.R. Labs and hang out with Cisco and Caitlyn for the day and get to know them. Barry thought it was a good idea. So as soon as he left I showered, changed and headed to the lab. When I arrived Cisco was doing something to Barry's suit, and Caitlyn was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming in today," Cisco said. 

"Well, I thought it would be a good idea to get to know you guys and get familiar with the lab." 

"Cool, so since we're getting to know each other what's up with you and Barry?" Cisco asked with a smile. 

 "Honestly, I don't know, I mean I kinda like him, but I don't think he feels the same way."

 "Oh, are you mistaken, all Barry does is talk about you, he never shuts up," Cisco said. 

"I don't know," I said, then trying to change the subject I asked Cisco what he was doing. 

"Touching up the suit, making sure the sensors and everything are functioning properly, so in other words, boring stuff," he said. 

"Fun," I said. 

"You know what would be more fun?" he said. 

"What," I asked.

 "Testing your top speeds again," Cisco said with a grin. 

A few hours later you and Cisco were both tired, 

"I'm gonna go sleep now," you said with a yawn.

 "Yeah me too, that was a lot of work," Cisco said. 

"You weren't the one running 25,000 mph," I said back.

 "It was tiring to watch," he said. 

"Whatever, bye Cisco," I said with a wave as I sped out.

The minute I got to Barry's I passed out upstairs in my room. I woke up 3 hours later to the sound of the door closing downstairs, I assumed Barry was home and went downstairs. 

The moment I saw Barry I gasped "What happened!?!," I asked. 

"Leonard Snart," he said with a groan as he sat on the couch.

 He had cuts and bruises all over him, he was pretty beat up. I sat down next to him and he explained who Snart was and what he was capable of. 

"Yeah, so I ran in and he caught me off guard, and he got me in the rib cage," he said as he lifted up his shirt. 

I moved closer to him and began to touch the frostbitten area. 

"That hurts," he said in pain. 

"That's not bandaged properly," I said, "didn't Caitlyn look at you?"

 "No, I didn't want to bother her," Barry said as he looked at me. 

"You sure know how to be stubborn Flash," I said as I came back with gauze and bandages. 

As I was fixing him up he said "You know you don't have to do this right?" 

"I know but I want to," I said, I looked up and saw him blush a little.

The next morning you woke up and Barry was making breakfast once again.

 "Morning," he said to you with a smile on his face.

 "Morning, how's the side?" I asked. 

"Better," he said as we both sat down to eat breakfast. About an hour later we both headed down to the station.

I was sitting in his lab when he came back with coffee from Jitters. "You know me so well," I said. 

Barry's POV:

She sat there drinking her coffee I got her from Jitters while looking out at the city. Why am I so nervous I asked myself, just do it.

 "Hey Y/N."

 "Yeah," she said as she spun around in my chair.

 "Look I was wondering, if maybe sometime if you would like to, I don't know maybe...go on a date with me," I said looking down awkwardly. She stood up walked over to me and said: 

"I would love to Barry." And then she kissed my cheek. 

"Tomorrow at 6:00, I'll pick you up," I said with a smile. 

"Perfect," she replied and then she sped off to somewhere.

 I just stood there with a smile on my face for the longest time, just thinking of how lucky I was.

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