Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

                A few weeks later

                Me: Hey babe, what’s up? ;)

                Stranger:  Oh same old same old, btw I’m lovin the babe ;)

                Me: Good, I guess I’ll be calling you that more often

                Stranger: You better! Hey, y’know what I’ve realized? It’s been weeks and we don’t even know each other’s names

                Me: Well that’ll have to change! I’m (...Typing)

                I paused, glancing at the screen while biting my bottom lip a little nervously. It had been three weeks since I had started using this dating site and since then this was the only person I’ve talked to. Part of me wanted to tell this mystery girl that I was Louis Tomlinson from One Direction... but another, bigger, part was screaming don’t tell her! So I lied. I don’t know why I did... maybe if I hadn’t lied then, none of this would have happened but I did and it happened alright, it happened big time.

                Me: Well that’ll have to change! I’m Jamie Flynn.

                Stranger: (...Typing)

                She was talking an awful long time typing out her name... but finally after what seemed like hours but was really only around five minutes, she answered.

                Stranger: Cool name! :) I’m Charlie Moore.

                Louis smiled to himself. Charlie was a cute name for a girl, it was probably short for Charlotte or something.

                Me: That’s cute <3

                                Stranger: Aw you’re making me blush! Lol

                                Me: Haha, I’d love to see that blush in person sometime...

                                Stranger: Really?

                                Me: Well yeah... hey, you know what? We should meet up or something :)

                                Stranger: (...Typing)

                I watched nervously as Charlie typed her reply. I didn’t know why I was so attached to her already but we had been talking all of the time lately and I really liked her. It would be great to meet her and person and I really was hoping she wouldn’t find it too soon.

                Stranger: Okay! Sounds fun, when and where?

                I paused in my typing to do a small victory dance. I was getting a date! This dating website had turned out far better than I had expected. I wondered briefly if Harry was having as much success as me. It seemed like it with the amount of time he stayed locked up in his room nowadays. I kinda missed him really... but I had Charlie to distract me from that so I was doing okay.

                Me: How about... next Saturday at Nandos? Wear something specific so I know it’s you ;)

                Stranger: I’ll wear a purple hat, k?

Once Upon a Text (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now