Cliche #98

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Evil characters that are obvious

Example: Jax stared at me with a cold stare making me realize I was in big trouble.

Why This Is Annoying: Well now we know who the antagonist is without any knowledge about him AT ALL making it really hard if you want to give the villain another chance since nobody would like him

How To Fix This: Make the villain unknown.  Have their traps set up but you don't know who did it. Make it so the antagonist is after them for a certain reason and they could pretend they are on their side and make an amazing plot twist that most people would see coming. Make the readers surprise on who it is.



Jax walked down the stone path with me. He turned towards me "How long have you had this power? You can't seem to control it very well" He laughed. "Not long" I replied "It's nice to know that someone's on my side"


As water filled the room I looked to find Jax. He was nowhere to be found. Then from the corner of her eye, she saw him looking out of a glass window. He grinned as I realized this was a big trap that he had planned out for me.

See? wasn't that plot twist much better? 

Chapter By ZDragonLover  I only fixed a couple of parts :)

If there are comments about homeschool this chapter was about homeschool at first but I changed it up a lot. I'm just clearing up some confusion.

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