The Prophecy Has Begun...

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Hey! So this is my new story! It's called Bruises of Risk and it's the first book of The Vanishing Act Trilogy! I'm psyched to write it! Hope you guys like it!

This'll be short because it's just a prologue, but I'll get to writing the first chapter tonight. Tell me if I should continue it or not! :D


Bruises of Risk

Prologue - The Prophecy Has Begun...

The frightened, young man ran into the dome-roofed council building. As he pushed open the dark redwood doors, every pair of eyes riveted themselves on his lean figure. He had, in fact, interrupted a council meeting over what to do with the scientist, Dr. Rain, having not returned yet from his risky work in the outside world.

The man, an accountant, spoke, out of breath and fearing, "In the safe...the gem, Corrotto...gone...stolen..." The poor man couldn't even speak legible sentences.

"That is impossible!" an outraged woman stood up, "No one outside of Atlantis can enter it. The forcefield prevents them from seeing or landing on Atlantis!"

"That can only mean that we have a traitor amongst us," a suave, calm voice spoke what no one else wanted to admit. The tall, slim man in a suit stood up. His light brown hair was slicked back and his eyes were a bright topaz, not very unusual in Atlantis.

Everyone recognized his identity due to the emblem of a Farfalla, an odd-looking flower whose colorful petals resembled the diverse wings of butterflies, was pinned to his black blazer. He was one of the higher councilmen, one of few who made the most significant decisions in Atlantis.

The man, Jim Clowd, set his papers down, cleared his throat, and looked to the rest of the councilmen and women.

Yet before he could utter any words, someone else did. A woman, a sage, someone who could tell upcoming prophecies or ones about to go into effect, blurted in a monotone voice, "When Gold and Emerald join forces, edges will cut to gain what they have come for.

Where Electricity and Rain will strike together to claim what is their's.

And when united, the capture of the perished land will cease." The eyes of the sage, Danielle Wood, were a silver fire, almost as if the silver flames weren't contained in her eyes.

There was a stunned silence, no one was capable of speaking a word, no one dared to. Finally, after what felt seemingly like hours, but in reality were only mere minutes, Jim spoke, "Three things have been made clear today: One, Dr. Rain has been captured. Two, we must find this traitor before anything else dangerous is smuggled away or any important information is leaked. And three, it's time The Destined are finally brought forth to do what they must."

Another man stood up, James Sky, and spoke in an irritated tone, "But Arella and Damen just can't stand each other!" He knew this information firsthand, being their mentor for combat skills.

One more man bolted upright onto his feet, Dylan Gray, another mentor for another group that included Van and Ophelia. "The same with Van and Ophelia!" he agreed gruffly.

Murmurs broke throughout the room. The awkward accountant caught that most people were whispering about how Atlantis was doomed if what the trainers had said was true.

"Quiet!" Jim said sharply, instantly catching everyone's undivided attention. "If the pairs of The Destined can't live with each other, then they will learn to. They will live together, in the same house." The mentors weren't so sure it would work, but when they voiced their concerns, "They will have to," was the curt reply of Jim's before he turned to all the councilmen and women in the room and grudgingly admitted, "Ladies and Gentlemen, the prophecy has begun."


What did you guys think? Should I continue? Please tell me!

And could any of you PLEASE make me a cover for this story? I'll dedicate a chapter to you and if I don't use the cover, I'll put it up on the side! Thanks!

Sorry, no quote or song of the upload for this chapter. Next one for sure. :)


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