Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV

"Daddy, can you drop me off a block away from the school?"

"Why princess?" He replied.

Because I hate you....

"It gets really crowded now at days. I don't want daddy to get mad." I always pretended that I was okay saying daddy, but really I felt sick. I thought that I was a disappointment in the worlds eyes......

"Okay princess, but don't let anyone touch what's mine." He said. I hated when he said things like that.

He knows I'm gay, so he says to never bring a guy home, but girls are welcome.

I don't like girls, all of the ones at school are sluts. Always wearing neon bras, the first buttons undone, etc.

I simply hated them....

But I didn't tell him that.

"Thank you daddy." I said with a very very small smile for a spill second.

The car stopped and I started walking. He drove away and I sighed and stopped.

I wasn't gonna cry, I was just mad. But then I felt and arm wrap around me.

I saw Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and Isaac. Isaac and I aren't really friends to be honest. I hated him. He always played people to get in their pants or skirts then broke their hearts.

I saw it was Jimin's arm and he smiled his famous eye smile.

"TAE!!" Jimin yelled in my ear.

"Jimin I'm right here!"

"Yeah you're loud as shit, shut the fuck up."

We all looked behind us to see the one and only Yoongi.

"My man Yoongi!" Namjoon said as he grabbed Yoongi into a guy side hug.

Jin was there to scowl us.

"Kids! Shut up before I make you!" That's all he had to say for us all the talk regularly again.

I swear he's the mother in our friend group.

"You guys wanna know something?" Isaac said.

We all nodded.

"I have a new one. I want him bad....."

We all understood. He had a new person he wanted. Badly as he said, may I add.

"His name is Jungkook he's new in the orphanage. I had a little play time with him this morning. He's cute as fuck. I think he's trans but he's so girly looking." Isaac said with a chuckle at the end.




"HELL NO!!!!" I yelled.

Before I knew what I was doing everyone went wide eyed and I continued.....

I grabbed his collar and said "If you ever touch him again I swear I will end you and your life! Understand?!?!" He nodded quickly and then I let go. I realized what I just did.

"Wh-What did I-I......" I started tearing up. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry! Oh my god!" I threw my hands into my hair before anyone could reply I started running.

They called me but all I could think of was him.....
My dad, how if I didn't do what he wanted he would hurt me just like that.

I was becoming a monster.

I ran until my legs gave out.

I looked up to see I was at the bench that I was with Jungkook lastly.....

Jungkook. I wanna see him so badly....

Jungkook's POV

I was bored out of my mind. I was done with reading the little booklet and I also washed the dishes from breakfast.

The little kids were in their room coloring pictures of animals. An idea popped in my head.

"Hey guys, do you wanna go to the park? You know, where the playground is?" I asked. Thy instantly look up at me with huge smiles.

"PLAYGROUND?!??" They said.

"Yeah, it's not that far we can walk there and back. It'll be fun!" Try all nodded there heads.

"Okay go and get your jackets. Then we'll go." I said. They all instantly shot up to get their jacked and shoes on.

There are 5 little kids.

Aaron, Jack(ie), Christian, Alex(ander) and Joshua.

Aaron is the oldest. He is a tough little kid. He protects all the kids at school. He is 9. He protects Jack especially, because he's weak.

But Jack or Little Jackie as we call him is in his grade as well. He's 8 almost 9, but he is extremely shy and he gets bullied because he stutters every sentence he says. But it gets better when Aaron is in the room. Why? Easy, because Jack likes Aaron. That was the first think I noticed with these kids. Aaron is always with Jack. When Aaron protects him or tell him compliments Jack blushes like crazy.

Christian is 7. He is a wild child. He wants to go everywhere around the world and explore. But he wants to bring Alex and Joshua with him. They are his best friends, and as they say his wife's. Alex is 7 as well. Joshua is the youngest here at the orphanage at 6.

Those three are always holding hands, cuddling and kissing each other's cheeks too.


I walked out of the room when I finished the booklet and made my way to the kitchen. I saw 5 kids there.

"Hey guys! I-I'm Jungkook. What's up?" I said. I can't believe I stuttered again. Ugh. Whatever.

"Hiya~! I'm Aaron. I'm the oldest. I was told about you. Let me introduce myself. I'm Aaron. The oldest at 9. So if you ever need to tell me news. Tell me."
I just nodded.

He motioned next to him. A black haired boy with white skin. He was small and very thin.

"Introduce yourself. " I heard Aaron say to the kid.

"H-Hello. I'm Jack, I-I'm almost 9. I'm i-in the same class as Aaron too." He said. Aaron hugged him and told him he did a great job. Jack started to blush, awwww. That was adorable.

"Hi! I'm Christian. I'm 7. These are my wife's!" He said. My eyes grew wide. I saw him point to a brown haired, green eyed, tanned skin boy. "This is Alex! He's the one that wants me the most!" He winked at Alex.

"Oppa! Stop, it's not funny." He was blushing a bright red.

"Okay okay. Then I also have this cutie!" He point to a blonde, blue eyed, cutie. He wasn't lying. The kid was adorable.

"He's the youngest out of all of us. He's Joshua, he's six." He said and held Josh's hand.

I think I'll like these kids....

We got all our jackets on and out in our shoes. Josh didn't know how to do it so Alex and Christian each did one of his shoes. When they finished they each gave Josh a kiss on the cheek. Alex on the left. Christian on the right. Josh smiled widely and grabbed their hands.

"Okie! I'm ready!~" Josh said.

"Okay let's go."

And then we went out of the house and started walking....

[DISCONTINUED] Falling For Him (Taekook/Vkook Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now