Chapter {1}

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The club was crowded with sweaty,horny and excited teenagers. The music was loud, people can feel their heartbeats as the bass of the music kept getting louder.
The three boys were dancing with girls whose names they don't remember. One of them excuses himself to get a drink. Adham - the youngest - knew he was underage but that didn't stop him.
"One shot," he commands the bartender.

The bartender didn't ask for his ID, they never bothered anyway. Adham takes the shot and drains it down in seconds. "Hey man, don't drink too much, first day of school is tomorrow," his friend, Noah says patting his shoulder.

"Right, totally forgot," he replies.
"We gotta leave, these girls are crazy!" his other friend, Caleb shouts over the loud music.
"Fine," Adham rolls his eyes at his friends, they wanted to go out and now they wanna leave?! It's ten minutes before twelve. Adham receives a message from his mom.

 Adham receives a message from his mom

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"Who is it?" Noah asked. "Um..its one of the girls who I met ... I can't remember." Adham lied. He didn't want his friends to think he was stupid for being mama's boy.He was afraid they would tease him about it. "Let's go."

              The second Adham opened the door of the apartment, his mom came running ,attacking him with her questions

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              The second Adham opened the door of the apartment, his mom came running ,attacking him with her questions. "Where have you been?It's almost one in the morning." his mom shouts. "You reek of alcohol! Adham don't you know it's haram (prohibited) to drink? You were clubbing again with your stupid friends, weren't you? That's it I'm grounding you." She ended the conversation sternly.
Adham didn't want to make her any angrier but he was angry too "Well, I wouldn't be partying until one in the morning if you and dad didn't get divorced."
"That doesn't give you an excuse to make me worried about you, nor breaking your promise; you are disrespecting my words.Even worse, not following your religion!"

As a muslim single mother, she had problems trying to steer him in the right way. She prayed to God every night to give her the strength to deal with her son and to steer him in the right direction.

"My head hurts, I'm going to sleep," he says trying to get himself out of this fight with his mom, that he had almost every week. He know about his religion but he never acted like a muslim. In addition, his parents had been divorced for some time, but every time he thought of it, he would get upset. How come everyone had a pair of parents and I only had half a pair? Adham knew some people didn't have neither of their parents and he should be thankful. He was, but his dad isn't dead. His dad only chose to leave his wife and only son behind.

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