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After his break up, Connor never see Troye again. Even though his heart still aching from it, he knows that their relationship was nothing near healthy. How he wished that it was perfect just like what he thought.

When he moved out from Troye's place, he managed to find an apartment that he could afford from his part-time job's salary at a cafe. It wasn't perfect like Troye's but at least he has his own place to live. Connor admitted that it was quite hard for the first time for him to live by himself since he was used to have Troye around him all the time but his roommate, Jacob, who was actually one of his hook ups a few months ago helped him a lot to deal with his feelings. Connor was so thankful that Jacob actually came into his life at his worst. They even became best friends.

It was Saturday night and as usual, they both would watch movies together at home. Jacob was quite excited that night since he already have a bowl of popcorns in his hands as he waited for him so they can watch the movie together. After Connor took a shower and changed into something comfy, he sat besides him on the couch. While Jacob searched for the movie to watch, a question popped up in his head.

"How's your audition? Did you get signed?" Jacob put the bowl of popcorns on the coffee table before he turned to face Connor, a grin plastered on his face.

"I got signed Con!" He said excitedly as he clapped his hands together, the toothy grin makes him 10 times cuter.

"Oh god, congrats!" Connor immediately tackled him in a bone-crushing hug, literally straddling him since he was too tall for Connor to reach, making the brown eyed boy to giggle.

"My best friend is a model now!" Connor said excitedly since his best friend's dreams finally came true. Jacob always love his modelling career and sometimes he would be Connor's personal stylist. He still remembered that day when they were fighting about a t-shirt at a store and they both ended up buying two of it.

"Jacob, why you're so quiet-" Before Connor could finished his lines, the brown eyed boy connected their lips together. Connor was surprised at first but then, he kissed him back.

After a few seconds later, Connor pulled away from him. He rested his forehead against his, his eyes closed tightly as he tried to hold back the tears. Of course he like Jacob but when they kissed, he reminded him of the blue eyed boy that he used to love. Connor know he was unfair to the brown eyed boy since he kissed him back and yet giving false hopes to him.

"I'm sorry." He removed himself from his lap and make his way to his room, locking the door behind him before he throw himself on his bed, tears already streaming down his cheeks.

He know he can't learn to love anyone at the moment and everything about it reminded him of Troye. He never thought that someone would fall in love with him after everything that happened in his life. Connor was broken and nothing near special. Why would a perfect guy like Jacob would fall in love with someone like him?

"Connor, please, let me explain." From the other side of the door, Jacob said softly as he tried to make Connor open the door. He need to confess his feelings to him and he thought that maybe, he could fix the green eyed boy. He really like him and the only thing that he wanted was Connor to be happy again. Connor doesn't tell him much about his ex Troye but that boy must done something bad to him since Connor was so broken and he seems like he doesn't trust love anymore.

Troye totally ruined him.

When the door finally open, he saw his eyes was red and puffy and his cheeks stained with tears.

"Connor-" He reached his hands to pull him into a hug but the green eyed boy refused. Jacob sighed before he put his hand down and rubbed his palm against his clothed thighs. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. This is it.

"I think I'm falling for you." The words that he was keeping to himself for months finally came out from his mouth and he really hoped that Connor would tell him that he was feeling the same way.

"I know that someone will love you," He said as he tried to hold back the tears again from slipping down his flushed cheeks. Jacob's breath stucked in his throat when Connor finished his line.

"But that someone isn't me."

hopeless fountain kingdom // A Tronnor AUWhere stories live. Discover now