Eyes Closed

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When he woke up, he hissed and bring his hand to his head since there's a continuous pain in his head. The sunlights already making its way inside the room from the window, lighting up the room a bit. Connor knows it wasn't his room since he never painted his walls with light brown color or even owned a pale yellow blankets that was covering his torso.

When he turned around, he saw a brown haired boy was sleeping besides him, with his mouth slightly apart, looking somehow cute even in his sleep. Connor knew that he has no idea who the hell he was, but he can't help himself to adore the beauty that was still sleeping soundly with his head pressed against the soft pillow. His long eyelashes brush against his cheeks as he snores softly, the green eyed boy almost reaching out for the boy's pinkish cheeks just to pinch it like what he usually did to Brandon. Connor lowered his gaze to his perfect pink lips, to his sharp jaw and his neck that decorated with purplish marks from last night, wishing that he could at least look at his eyes before he left.

Connor know its just another hook ups that he received after spending the night at the bar. He barely remembered anything from last night besides him and Tyler went to the gay bar last night and get drunk just to ease up the pain after his break up with Troye. Everyone already know that that type of relationship won't work. Connor was sulking up in the guest room at Tyler's house, refusing to eat like he just lost a piece of himself. But he does lost a piece of him, and the boy who stole it seemed just fine since they never contact each other except for the letters that he put in his pocket after that day Connor left.

He sit up slowly and make his way out from under the blanket without making any sound, not wanting the boy from last night to wake up. He was glad that he was not entirely naked, but the only piece of clothing on him still makes him feel uncomfortable. His eyes then landed on his black skinny jeans and his shirt from last night which were laying on the floor, and he immediately grabbed it and get into it as fast as possible along with his shirt from last night.

He didn't even realised there were a bathroom in the room, his mind was too distracted with something else. He walked toward the bathroom not before checking the time, he already missed his first class that day. Since the break up, Connor barely went to his college anymore. He don't care even if his dad would scold him for it. As long as he can kept the distance between Troye, he would do anything from bumping with the one who break his heart there.

His face immediately scrunched up with disgust when he looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was a mess, the bags under his eyes are visible from lack of sleep and he looked exactly like a walking corpse.

"Ugh, I hate myself." He grunted, immediately turning the faucet before splashing some water to his face. He was at a motel neared the bar, somehow thanking the lord for the new and cheap toothbrush and the cheap toothpaste that he found in the cabinet behind the mirror.

Connor then heard a sound coming from the room, the guy from last night was probably awake by the sound of the water.

After done brushing his teeth and fixing his hair, he walked out from the bathroom with hesitation. Awkwardly, Connor walked across the room to grab his wallet and the key for his car, his eyes never lifted to meet with his.

"At least give me your number." He said out of the sudden, his morning voice was hoarse and attractive. It almost turning Connor's knees into jellies, one of the effect that Troye used to has on him. When Connor turned to face him, the brown haired boy already sitting up with his lower parts draped in the blanket, smiling up at him with his brown eyes slightly open since he just woke up, his hair was a hot mess.

"Please?" He bite down his lower lips, tilting his head to the side with hopes in his eyes. His eyes, brown, nothing like Troye's but somehow he reminds Connor of Troye's.

"Okay." After a few moment, Connor decided to just give him his number. He don't usually gave it to the guy he ever hook up with, but the brown eyes beauty was an exception. Connor handed him his phone before he set his number into his. When they're done, they handed the phone back as a grin was plastered on his face.

"I guess I'll see you another time..." Connor trailed off before he took a glance at the contact name, "... Jacob."

When he drive back to his home that he shared with Tyler for a while, the memories from last night replaying back in his head.

He feels just like him. Connor felt horrible since he still can't get his thoughts away from Troye. If he keep his eyes closed, maybe Jacob will look just like him. He'll never stay anyway.

They never do.

hopeless fountain kingdom // A Tronnor AUWhere stories live. Discover now