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Tumblr prompt: " I was randomly assigned a college roommate and he's actually super cute "

Hey guys it's Britt! So Danita and I have agreed that we will be alternating parts. Meaning, I will be doing a part then she will do a part and so on. But for this first part (chapter) we wanted to let you guy see how we both write, so I wrote the first POV while Danita wrote the last one. Just wanted to let you all know. We will be telling who writes what chapter/part so you guys won't be confused. It will be written like this:

Writer: Britt

But anyways let's get into the first one-shot ^-^

Evan's POV:

"Yeah Mom I got here safe." I chuckle as I walk down the empty sidewalk with my suitcase in hand. "Well that's good honey.." She sighs. "I'm going to miss you. I mean choosing to go to North Carolina for college was a big decision...why not just go to college here?" I rolled my eyes and cracked a smile. "Mom we've been over this before...I don't want to stay in one place forever." I heard her sigh again. "I know, I'm sorry....well I should probably go. Make sure you behave yourself Evan. I mean it." I laugh as I reply with an 'okay'. We say our goodbyes then I hang up sliding my phone into my back pocket of my black jeans.

Today I was starting my first day at a college in North Carolina. Back in Toronto, I had a choice of going to a local college there or flying out to North Carolina to study. I, of course, chose to travel to this new place. I didn't want to stay in Canada forever. I wanted to go see what else this world had to offer, so of course I said yes to moving away from my friends and family even though I knew I was going to miss them.

I sigh a bit thinking about it, but quickly regain my composure as I see what I had been looking for. In front of me stood a pair of large iron gates. They stood between the old worn-out bricks that were sealed together to form the wall around the campus. I smirk to myself as walked forward pushing open the imposing iron gates to reveal the beautiful sight of the campus. "Damn this place looks awesome!" I smile excitedly laughing. I quickly calm myself as I start to walk down the concrete walkways in search for the Registration Building.

After about 20 minutes of tiredly walking, I finally find the small ass building. It was a little hard to find since it was pretty much the smallest building there. I rolled my eyes at the thought and walk inside. I walk over to the front desk and was greeted with a large smile.

"Good Morning and Welcome. How can I help you today, sir?" the blonde haired woman behind the desk asked as she glanced at my suitcase. I smile as I told her I was going to be attending here starting today and she quickly turned to her computer. "Name?" she asked as she glanced at me. "Evan Fong." She started typing into her computer then smiled as she starts to print something. "Welcome Mr. Fong. This here is a list of your classes and a map of the campus." She handed me the papers she had just printed then opens a drawer pulling out a key. "Your dorm number is 227 in the residential hall on the left side of campus. Here is your key and your roommate should be there already. He came in not too long ago." She smiled as she gave her goodbye and I walked out.

It didn't take long for me to find the Residential Hall I was going to be staying at. It was a huge brick building with small white concrete stairs leading to the front entrance. Multiple windows lined the walls of the building. I walked up the small stairs and walked inside. First thing hear as I walk inside, "Watch out!!" I looked around seeing this tall guy run at this dude with glasses. The dude with glasses looked up only to see the back of the tall guy's hand inches from his face as he caught a football. I laughed as the smaller guy got flustered as he tried to apologize. "S-Sorry Tyler....I-I didn't mean to g-get in the way!" He stuttered out. The Tyler guy only laughed as he ruffled the glasses dude's hair. "It's cool Craig just watch where your cute, little ass is going next time." He replied with a wink as he walked away. That only made that Craig dude more flustered as he walked in another direction. I chuckled. 'Well this seems like a very interesting place..' I thought as I walked down the long hallways. After I walked passed a lot of other guys making jokes and playing video games together, I found my dorm. I walked up to the dark oak-wood door remembering that the lady said something about my roommate already being here.

I shrugged putting my key into my front pocket and opened the door. I walked in the dorm looking around. It had a small living area with a flat screen tv sitting on a dark colored entertainment center. A few video games sat on the shelves along with a silver laptop. 'Probably my roommate's..' I thought looking around more. A black leather couch sat in the center on the room facing the tv with a small glass coffee table between them. I walked further into the dorm closing the door behind me. As I closed the door, I could hear a faint snore come from over by the couch. I hesitantly walked closer not wanting to wake whoever was snoring. I approached the couch only to see a guy wearing a light blue jacket with black jeans. He had messy light brown hair that covered his closed eyes slightly. His pale face a bit pink as he smiled pulling something to his chest. I looked at his arms and chuckled quietly seeing a brown furred teddy bear with a light blue bow around its neck. This sight was just adorable.

I sighed and smiled as I leaned down to move his hair from his face. He stirred a bit as my fingers grazed his forehead. I pulled my hand away and looked down at his adorable face. I could faintly see a hint of freckles cover the bridge of his nose. Out of the corner of his mouth, I could see a line of drool. I chuckled again but this time a bit louder which made me freeze as I heard him groan. I backed away from him slightly as he started to wake up. He turned onto his back rubbing his eyes with one hand while the other was draped around the teddy bear. He sat up slowly and turned to sit normally when he saw me. He jumped back as his eyes widened and screamed, "HOLY SHIT!!"

All I could do was laugh at his sudden outburst.

It took a minute or two before I could calm down, but I soon regained my composure and looked at him. He sat looking at me with a frown. His arms crossed around his chest with his teddy bear trapped in them. "Who the fuck are you?" He asked looking me up and down. I chuckled as a small smirk formed on my lips. "Wow is that really how you greet people? Especially someone you're going to be living with." I asked then gestured to my suitcase.

Jonathan's POV

Writer: Danita

'Wow this is my new roommate. I have say, he's pretty cute. He has chocolaty brown eyes, jet black hair, tan skin, and a stylish red jacket and jeans.' I look over his entire form. "Damn, he's hot", I say to myself. "Are you going to keep staring at me or what?" his words snapped out of my thoughts. "N-no um I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare at you and uh...What's your name? I figured since we're going to be somewhat friendly to ask what your name is." "The name's Evan, and what's yours if you don't mind me asking," he smirks. "Jonathan, but you can call me Delirious." "Really?" he chuckled. "The one and only", I smirked. "Alright Delirious, since I'm your new roommate, I figured it would be nice to get know each other. " "Well, what do you want to know?" I ask. "So, where are you from?" Evan asks. "I'm from here dumbass, where are you from?", I laugh."Well, smartass, I'm from Canada actually,"Evan shot back. "What made you decide to come to little old North Carolina?" I asked."Well long story short, I decided to go to college here, because I didn't want to stay in Canada for the rest of my life." he answered. "So Johnny boy tell me, Are you single?" He smirks. I blush at the nickname he gave me."Uh yea, why?" I replied."Just was wondering, anywho do you want to play video games?" he said. "Hell yeah dude, let's play some GTA!!!,"I shouted. "Dude I love GTA, "he chuckled. A few hour later, Evan fell asleep on the couch, I watched over him. "I think I'm going to like this guy"

Hey guys it's Danita here. I apologize for the last part that i wrote, I'm still working on my grammar mistakes and stuff.  Luves you guys!! 

              Danita ;)

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